Data Records

Any input record that is not recognized as command is considered to be a data record. In a data record, all character data must be specified in single quotes, e. g. 'Character Data', so that it can be read using unformatted FORTRAN reads. Any unquoted entry is taken to be the begining of a new command or data record. In the case of a data record, the unquoted character string is the label for the data record. The pound symbol '#' is the begining of a comment and all characters after the '#' symbol are ignored.

Definition of data records



If this data record is present, then the symmetry used will be the largest abelian subgroup. Used by GetBlms. The default value is to use the full group for this geometry.



This record contains three real numbers in a single read

x, y, z

which give the location of an additional center to add for
DumpMesa. When the geometry for the expandedd basis set definition is being written out, then this extra center is written to there, otherwise it is added to the main geometry data.



This data record gives an alternative equilibrium geometry used when generating new geometries using normal modes with the GeomNormMode or GeomNormModeN commands or when analyzing geometries in terms of normal modes using the FindQ command

Data record format

For i = 1 to NAtom

  1. vec(1:3, i)

Data record variables

vec(1:3, i)
real, vector of the cartesian coordinates of atom i in Angstroms


This data record contains the information needed to construct the asymptotic part of the VCP potential.

Data record format

  1. SwitchD
  2. nterm
  3. For iterm = 1 to nterm
    1. itcen
    2. if itcen equal to 0 then read
      pcen(1:3, iterm)
    3. ittyp
    4. if ittyp equal to 1 then read
    5. if ittyp equal to 2 then read
      apol(1, 1, iterm), apol(2, 2, iterm), apol(3, 3, iterm), apol(1, 2, iterm), apol(1, 3, iterm), apol(2, 3, iterm)
  4. icrtyp
  5. if icrtyp equal to 2 then read
  6. if icrtyp not equal to 2 then read
  7. if icrtyp not equal to 2 and ilntyp < 0 then read

Data record variables

real, distance (in Angstroms) which describes the range of the switching functions used to connect the short-range correlation and the long range polarization potential. A typical value is 0.15 Angs.
integer, number of distributed polarization centers which are used to describe the distributed polarization potential.
integer, flag for the type of polarization center
  • = 0, then explicitly read in the location of the center
  • = 1, through the number of atoms in the molecule, then use atom itcen for the polarization center.
pcen(1:3, iterm)
real, (x,y,z) of this polarization center in Angstroms.
integer, flag for type of polarization center
  • = 1, for only spherically symmetrical polarizability so that xx=yy=zz and xy=xz=yz=0 only the xx term is read in.
  • = 2, read in all 6 terms, xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz. A common case is if the a0 and a2 terms are known then the potential has the form
                           a        a
                            0        2
              V   (R) = - ----  -  ----  P (cos theta)
               pol           4        4   2
                           2R       2R
              P (u) = (1/2)(3u  - 1)
    In this case
              a  = a   = (a  - (1/2)a )  and a   = (a  + a )
               xx   yy     0         2        zz     0    2
    with the other terms being zero.
real, polarizability (in atomic units) for the case of an isotropic polarizability tensor.
apol(i, j, iterm)
real, elements of the polarizability tensor (in atomic units)
integer, flag to indicate how to obtain the matching radius from the from the behavior of the correlation and polarization potentials on either a ray from the center of expansion or from the behavior of the l = 0 component of the corresponding potentials.
  • = 0, use second crossing coming in form the asymptotic region.
  • = 1, use first crossing coming in from the asymptotic region.
  • = 2, read in a fixed matching r.
  • = 3, use second crossing or nearest relative approach (i. e. switch when Vpol/>Vcorr is closest to 1.0)
  • = 4, use first crossing or nearest relative approach.
real, fixed matching r in atomic units.
integer, type of matching line which is searched to find the crossing points.
  • = 0 use the l=0 partial wave.
  • = 1-natom use the line from the origin passing through one of the atomic centers.
  • = -1 use a line from the origin passing through an inputed point.
real, location of the point (in Angstroms) through which the search line passes. This vector is read in only if ilntyp = -1.


This data record contains a string that indicates which symmetry to use for an atom. Used by GetBlms. Two possible values are 'Ih' and 'Oh'. The default value is 'Ih'



This data record contains a real number that is used in the convergence criterion for the Pade correction of the matrix element in the ScatStab. The calculation is deemed to have converged when the root-mean-square difference of the matrix elements divided by the maximum matrix element is less than the number found in the CnvgKMat data record. Default value is 1.0e-6.



This record specifies which orbitals to use from the Quantum Chemistry program, the form is specific to the program being used.

In G03Cnv and MoldenCnv there is a single read of the form

nmos, nmoe
-nmor, (nmos(i), nmoe(i), i = 1, nmor)

nmos is the start of a series of orbitals to use and nmoe is the corresponding end of a sequence. If nmos > 0 and nmoe <0 then read in all orbitals starting from nmos and assuming the number of orbitals is the same as the number of basis functions. In a molden file, this will only be true if the cartesian basis set rather than the spherical basis set is used. If the first number is negative then a series of such numbers are read in. This option can also be used to reorder the orbitals. This reordering is sometime required when a set of degenerate core orbitals are ordered such that groups of orbitals that are degnerate by symmetry (e. g. pi-x and pi-y orbitals) are not contiguous as is required in the RotOrb. If nmoe(i) <= 0 then read in the orbitals up to the end of the basis set. This is an optional data record.



If this record is present then when the GetCro is run the cross section will be computed for each partial wave, with partial waves with the same value of l being summed together.



This data record contains the information needed to construct the correct dipole matrix elements. This data record is usually created using the command GenFormPhIon although it can be constructed by hand.

Data record format

  1. NumOrbFrm
  2. OrbDegn(1:NumOrbFrm)
  3. SymCont, SymTotal, SymInit, SymTarg
  4. NumRec
  5. For i = 1 to NumRec
    1. ContComp(i), iOrbSelgrp(i), iOrbSelcomp(i), CoefOrbSel(i)

Data record variables

integer, number of bound orbital groups used to define the potential and dipole matrix elements.
integer vector, spatial degeneracy of each orbital group.
integer, IR of the continuum orbital
integer, IR of the total scattering state.
integer, IR of the initial state.
integer, IR of the ionized target state.
integer, number of formulas needed to define the dipole matrix element.
integer, component of the IR of the continuum orbital used in this formula.
integer, the orbital group of bound orbital in this formula.
integer, the component of the orbital group OrbSelgrp to use in this formula.
real number, the coefficient for this formula.


This data record contains the matrix that transforms the direct product FUNCTION into the symmetrized functions. This record is usually created automatically by the command GenFormPhIon using the program MatEle.

Data record format

  1. SymCont, SymTarg, SymTotal
  2. nrdimCont, nrdimTarg, nrdimTotal
  3. ProdOvlp(1:nrdimCont,1:nrdimTarg,1:nrdimTotal)

Data record variables

integer, IR of the continuum orbital.
integer, IR of the total scattering state.
integer, IR of the target state.
integer, dimensionality of the IR of the continuum orbital.
integer, dimensionality of the IR of the target state.
integer, dimensionality of the total state.
real number, overlap of the direct product state constructed from the ith component of the continuum orbital and the jth component of the target state with the kth component of the total scattering state.


This data record contains the energy at which to compute the local potential. The local potential is energy dependent because of the energy dependence of the model exchange potentials used. This data record has the same format as the data record ScatEng.

Data record format

  1. Energy

Data record variables

electron (or photoelectron) kinetic energy in eV at which to compute the local exchange potential


This data record contains an integer that specifies the value of l that is used in selecting the partial waves when an atom is being considered using the DPot program. When studying a atoms, DPot requires that the atom be at the origin. The default value is the value of l found in the lowest partial wave of the symmetry being considered.



This data record contains an integer that specifies the value of m that is used in selecting the partial waves when a linear molecule or an atom is being considered using the DPot program. When studying a linear molecule, DPot requires that the molecular axis coincide with the z axis. The default value is the value of m found in the lowest partial wave of the symmetry being considered.



This record contains three real numbers in a single read

x, y, z

which give the center for the single-center expansion in units of Angstroms. ECenter is optional for those program which use it. The default value is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)



This record contains a real number that specifies the maximum value of the electron kinetic energy (in eV) that will be used in the calculations. This is used by GenGrid to control the step size in the asymptotic part of the radial grid.



This data record contains the expression for the interaction potential, in term of J and K operators. This record can be created automatically by the command GenFormPhIon using the program MatEle.

Data record format

There are four formats for reading in the formulas:

  1. For iPotFrmType = 0, no orhtogonality constraints are imposed and the potential is assumed to have the form 2J-K for each occupied orbital (2J for positron scattering). The record has the format:
    1. iChrgMolec, iPotFrmType

  2. For iPotFrmType = 1, no orthogonality constraints are imposed and the potential is assumed to have only diagional terms, i. e. the J and K operators only involve one bound orbital. The record has the format:
    1. iChrgMolec, iPotFrmType
    2. NumOrbFrm
    3. For i = 1 to NumOrbFrm read:
      1. OrbOccFrm(i), CoefK(i)

  3. For iPotFrmType = 2, individual orhtogonality constraints are read in, and the potential is assumed to have only diagional terms, i. e. the J and K operators only involve one bound orbital. The record has the format:
    1. iChrgMolec, iPotFrmType
    2. NumOrbFrm
    3. For i = 1 to NumOrbFrm read:
      1. OrbOccFrm(i), CoefK(i), iOrthOrb(i)

  4. For iPotFrmType = 3, the continuum orbital is forced to be orthogonal to all of the bound orbitals. The record has the format:
    1. iChrgMolec, iPotFrmType
    2. NumOrbFrm
    3. OrbDegn(1:NumOrbFrm)
    4. SymCont, SymTotal
    5. OrbOccFrm(1:NumOrbFrm)
    6. NCoefKInt
    7. CoefKInt(1:NCoefKInt)

Data record variables

integer, charge on the target (1 for a positive charge of 1).
integer, potential formula type. This integer can have the values of 0 through 3.
integer, number of bound orbital groups used to define the potential.
integer vector, spatial degeneracy of each orbital group.
integer, IR of the continuum orbital.
integer, IR of the total scattering state.
real, orbital occupancy of each orbital group of the target state. This number is used to determine the appropriate coefficient for the J operators.
integer, number of K type operators.
real, coefficient in front of the K operators constructed from the orbitals of a particular orbital group.
integer, flag for orthogonalization:
PotFrm data type, formula for each K operator.

PotFrm input

The PotFrm data type is read in using the following form
SymL, SymR, Type, OrbG, OrbCL, OrbCR, Coef

integer, IR component of the continuum orbital on the left sidel of the potential.
integer, IR component of the continuum orbital on the right sidel of the potential.
integer, type of potential formula term, = 1 for J type term, = 2 for K type term.
integer, orbital group of the bound orbital.
integer, IR component of the bound orbital on the left side of the potential term.
integer, IR component of the bound orbital on the right side of the potential term.
real, coefficient for this operator.


This data record contains parameters which determine where the asymptotic potential is truncated in the scattering calculations in ScatStab. if this record is not present, then the program takes iAsymCond = 1 and EpsAsym = CnvgKMat/10.0.

Data record format

  1. iAsymCond, EpsAsym

Data record variables

integer, that controls the interpretation of the value of EpsAsym
  • if iAsymCond = 1 then STOP when |V|/E < EpsAsym
  • if iAsymCond = 2 then STOP when |V| < EpsAsym. In this case EpsAsym has units of eV
  • if iAsymCond = 3 then STOP at r = EpsAsym. In this case EpsAsym has units of Angstroms
real, parameter that controls the limits fo the asymptotic radial integration.


This data record contains a parameter which gives an estimate of the accuracy of the numerical integrals computed in ScatStab. Default value is 1.0e-8.



This data record defines a range of orbitals groups that ExpOrb should expand.

Data record format

  1. mofr, moto

Data record variables

integer, first orbital group to expand
integer, last orbital group to expand


This data record contains a single real number that is the value of the energy parameter (in eV). It is usually taken to be the ionization potential of the molecule. FegeEng is used in the calculation of the free electron gas (FEGE) approximation to the exchange potential. In a static-exchange calculation this model local exchange potential is used to obtain a first, iteration 0, guess for the scattering state. Subsequent iterations correct for errors in this approximation and lead to a result that is independent of the value of FegeEng that is used. However, sometimes the iterative solution does not converge. In such cases, one trick to obtain convergence is to try different values of FegeEng. This data record is only needed if the fege potential is being used.



This data record contains a single real number that is used to scale the local exchange potential. This can be used to curcumvent singularities in the interative procedure. Default value is 1.0.



This data record specifies which nuclear centers should have their charge adjusted either for the purpose of computing the potenital or for the purpose of changing the symmetry used in the calculation. Chaging the charge for the potential calculation could be used when the quantum chemistry calculation is an equivalent core calculation for a core ionization problem.

Data record format

  1. ChgCenter, ChgCharge, ChgType
  2. [ChgCenter, ChgCharge, ChgType .......(repeat as many times as needed)]

Data record variables

integer, which nuclear center needs to be adjusted
integer, the new value of the charge
character (LEN = 3), 'sym' to change charge for the symmetry determination, 'pot' to change the charge used in the calculation but not in the symmetry determination 'potsym' to change the charge used in the potential calculation and in the symmetry determination


This data record contains the tolernace use to determine if vibrational frequency eigenvalues are degenerate (in units of cm-1). Used in the SymNormMode command. Default value is 1.0e-4.



This data record contains a single positive integer that controls the grid density. This can be used to systematically check the convergence of the grid. This is an optional data record. The default value is 1.



This data record contains a single integer that controls the type of Green function that is used.



This data record a real number that is used to generate the radial grid. The higher the value the more dense the grid will be around the nuclei. The default value is 10.0.



This data record a real number that is used to generate the radial grid. The higher the value the more dense the grid will between the nuclei and at larger R. The default value is 10.0.



This data record a real number that is used to generate the radial grid in the asymptotic region, i. e. for r beyond RMax. The higher the value the more dense the grid will between the nuclei and at larger R. The default value is the value of HFacWave used to generate the grid. The default value for HFacWave is 10.0.



This data record contains an interger that is the spin degeneracy of the initial state.



This data record contains a character string (LEN = 5) that indicates the IR of the initial state.



This data record contains a real number that is the ionization potential (in eV) of the molecule.



This data record contains an integer that is the maximum number of iterations that will be attempted to converge the variational corrections to static-exchange matrix elements in ScatStab. If IterMax < 0 then only use the local potential.



This data record contains an integer that corresponds to the rotational quantum numbers J and J' of the final states, to be used to compute the rotational wave function. This data record is used by the command RotOrientAsym .



This data record contains an integer that corresponds to the rotational quantum numbers J and J' of the initial state, to be used to compute the rotational wave function. This data record is used by the command RotOrientAsym . Default value to include all possible values, JMax + LMax + 1.



Character string used in the output to file PlotData



This record contains the angles and other parameters needed to describe the desired time delay calculation. The Euler angles, (alpha, beta, gamma), given for the orientation of the molecule, are the angles defined in Appendix C of Messiah "Quantum Mechanics".

Data record format

  1. iLVGet, Mu0
  2. ThetaNK_num, ThetaNK_start, Theta_NK_end
  3. alpha_num, alpha_start, alpha_end
  4. beta_num, beta_start, beta_end
  5. gamma_num, gamma_start, gamme_end

Data record variables

integer, if equal to 1 the use the length form, if equal to 2 the use the velocity form of the dipole matrix elements
integer, describes the polarization of the light, 0 for linearly polarized, +/- 1 for circularly polarized light helicity
ThetaNK_num, ThetaNK_start, ThetaNK_end
(integer, real, real) information on the output grid used for the laboratory electron emission direction giving the number of points, the first point and the last point, respectively.
alpha_num, alpha_start, alpha_end
(integer, real, real) information for the alpha Euler angle that describes the orinetation of the molecule in the laboratory frame.
beta_num, beta_start, beta_end
(integer, real, real) information for the beta Euler angle.
gamma_num, gamma_start, gamma_end
(integer, real, real) information for the gamma Euler angle.


This is a single integer which is the maximum l to be used for wave functions.



This optional record contains an integer that specifies the truncation of the partial wave expansion at large r. Thus outside the nuclei, the partial wave expansion goes up to at least the value of LMaxA. Default value is (RAMax+2 Angs)*sqrt(2*Max(EMax, 27.2 eV)) converted into atomic units, where RAMax is the maximum distance of an atom from the center of expansion.



This data record contains an integer that is the maximum l used in the expansion of 1/r_12 in the exchange terms in ScatStab. If the value of the maximum is set to -1, then all possible terms are retained, i. e. 2*LMax. Default value is -1, which inclludes all exchange terms.



This record contains an integer that specifies the truncation of the partial wave expansion in the homogeneous solution of the static potential scattering. The default value is MAX(LMaxA, LMax/2)



This record contains an integer that is the effective maximum l used in numerical integrations. This variable controls the number of grid points used in the angular integrations. It is usually taken to be at least twice the value of LMax. Default value is 2 times LMax.



This is a single integer which is the maximum l used in the asymptotic expansion of the homogeneous solution. Default value is LMaxA.



If this data record is present then the total cross section program will interpolate the partial cross sections and energies in a given symmetry using log-log interpolation. If this record is not present, then the interpolation is linear-linear.



This record contains a real number that controls the maximum step size in the inner region when the AsyPol data record is present. Default value is 0.02.



This record contains a real number such that the effective exponent on each center will be at least equal to Z*Z*MinExpFac. The default value is 300.



This record contains the angles and other parameters needed to describe the desired time delay calculation

Data record format

  1. iLVGet, Mu0
  2. NThetaEle, ThetaEleStart, ThetaEleEnd
  3. NPhiEle, PhiEleStart, PhiEleEnd
  4. NThetaField, ThetaFieldStart, ThetaFieldEnd
  5. NPhiField, PhiFieldStart, PhiFieldEnd

Data record variables

integer, if equal to 1 the use the length form, if equal to 2 the use the velocity form of the dipole matrix elements
integer, describes the polarization of the light, 0 for linearly polarized, +/- 1 for circularly polarized light helicity
NThetaEle, NPhiEle, NThetaField, NPhiField
integers, give the number of angular points in each angular direction in the molecular frame, where "Ele" is for electron and "Field" is for th light field, and where "Theta" and "Phi" are for the polar and and azimuthal angles, respectively, in the spherical-polar coordinates of the molecular frame. These quantities need to be odd for the Simpson's rule integration used.
ThetaEleStart, PhiEleStart, ThetaFieldStart, PhiFieldStart
reals, first in the indicated direction of the evenly spaced grid
ThetaEleStart, PhiEleStart, ThetaFieldStart, PhiFieldStart
reals, last point in the indicated directions of the evenly spaced grid


This record contains input needed to define the molecular frame DCS calculation



This record contains an integer which is the maximum value of m to use in expanded functions about each unique axis for high partial waves. A default value is MMax = 3. A value of -1 leads to no m truncation.



This record contains an integer that controls how the m values for the abelian subgroup are chosen. MMAxAbFlag = 1 to include all m values. MMaxAbFlag = 2 to use MMax to constrain the m values for the abelian subgroup.



This record defines the number of angles that a differential cross section is computed at. Default value is 181 for scattering calculations.



This record defines the range of the functions on the left of the variational expression that should be computed. The default value is to use the full range up to NAsymL.

Data record format

  1. NAsymLF, NAsymLL

Data record variables

integer, first solution computed
integer, last solution computed


This record contains an integer that indicates the nucleus at which the single center expansion should occur. NECenter is optional for those program which use it. The default expansion point is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).



This record contains an integer that is the number regions the radial grid is divided into for integration. In the usual scattering program the boundaries of these regions are where the solutions are stabilized. In the piecewise diabatic calculations these regions are the diabatic regions. In general, more regions are better, although the calculations become slower. Default value is 40 for scattering calculations.



If this data record is present, then no exchange potentials will be included in the scattering potential.



If this data record is present, then do not inlude Coulomb Phase in the matrix elements written out by DumpIdy or DumpIdyAll



If this data record is present, solve problem using no symmetry, i.e. C1 symmetry



This data record contains an integer vector of the orbital group occupations of the target state.



This data record contains an integer vector of the orbital group occupations of the initial state.



This data record contains an integer flag (=0 for false /=0 for true) that determines if an average over the azimuthal angle should be performmed in the fixed-in-space differential cross section calculation. The default value is 0 for not performing the average.



This data record contains a real number that gives the angle in degrees of a reflection plane of symmetry containing the z axis that should be used as the zero of the azimuthal angles in the molecular frame. The default value is 0.0, i.e. use the same refrence frame as the matrix elements.



This data record contains an integer vector that specifies for each orbital group if the continuum should be constrained to be orthogonal to that group (=1) or not (=0). For PhIonPlaneWv calculations, the absence of this record indicates the no orthogonalization should be performmed. When this record is present then orthogonalization is performmed with respect to all orbitals. With integers persent, then this record controls orthogonalization as in a regular photoionization calculation.



This record contains a real number that is used to determine the value of m to use about each unique axis with high partial wave expansions. The maximum m is limited by the value of MMax. The default value is 1.0e-8.



This record contains a real number that is used to determine at what value of r each radial grid is truncated. The default value is 1.0e-8. Smaller values will cause the grids for each l to be extended further into the asymptotic region and towards the origin.



This record contains an integer the determines the charge on the molecule used in the CalcInt command with function type PlaneWv or in a PhIonPlaneWv command. The default value is zero corresponding to plane waves. A value of 1 would be to use Coulomb waves with a +1 charge on the molecule.



This record controls the density of the radial grid that is put into the PlotData grid. If this record is present, then the full grid will be plotted, otherwise the grid is sampled at a subset of the available points.



This is a string containing the name of the file for Gibson's positron polarization potential. The default name is vpol.dat.



This data optional record contains a single interger that selects which polarization directions of linearly polarized light are included in the photoionization calculation. Use 0 for including all direction (default value) and 1 for x, 2, for y, and 3 for z.



This is a single integer which is the maximum l used in the fitting of Gibson's positron polarization potential.



This is a real number specifying the tolerance to be used in order to distinguish different coordinates when reading Gibson's positron polarization potential data. The default value is 1.0e-06



This record is used to plot the fitted Gibson's positron polarization potential. The plots data are dumped to the file posplot.dat

Data record format

  1. nplots
  2. For i = 1 to nplots
    1. theta(i), phi(i)

Data record variables

integer, number of plots requested.
real, value of the angle Theta for the direction to plot along (degrees)
real, value of the angle Phi for the direction to plot along (degrees)


This data record contains a single integer that controls if the Blms are printed out and if so the value of the maximum L printed. Default value is -1, i.e. do not print out and Blm expansions.



This data record contains a single integer that controls the amount of output that is sent to the standard output. Set equal to zero for minimal print and set > 0 for additional information. Default value is 0.



This record contains the range of energies in the complex plane that are examined in the search for poles of the S matrix in the command ResSearch. These poles then correspond to scattering resonances.

Data record format

  1. nengrb
  2. For i = 1 to ABS(nengrb)
    1. engrb(i), estprb(i)
  3. engrb(ABS(nengrb)+1), eendzi, estpzi

Data record variables

integer, number of energy regions to search in. if negative then use a geometric progression for real parts of the energies in each region.
real, starting energy (in eV) for the i'th region.
real, energy step size (in eV) for the i'th region.
real, ending energy (in eV) in the last region.
real, maximum value of the imaginary part (in eV) to search. The search then goes over imaginary parts ranging from 0 to eendzi.
real, step size (in eV) for the imaginary part of the energy in the search grid.


This record contains an integer that controls the resonance search. The default value is 0.



This record contains a real number specifing the maximum value of r (in Angstroms) in the radial grid. The default value is determined by RMaxEps



This record contains a real number that is used to determine RMax. RMax is chosen so that MAXVAL(ABS(Orb(RMax, Theta, Phi)*RMax**2)) < RMaxEps. Default value is 1.0e-6.



This optional record contains the specification of a series of rotations and translations to perform on the molecular geometry. The translations is performed before the rotation.

Data record format

  1. NumRot, (IAxis(i), RotAngle(i), i = 1, NumRot)
  2. (Translate(i), i = 1, 3)

Data record variables

an integer that specifies the number of rotations to perform.
an integer that specifies the axis for a rotation, 1 for x axis, 2 for y axis, and 3 for z axis.
a real number that specifies the angle of rotation (in degrees) to perform about the axis specified by IAxis(i).
real numbers that specify a translation of the molecule (in Angstroms).

The translation is performed first, then the rotations are performed in the order given.



This optional record contains the specification of a series of rotations and translations to perform on the molecular geometry that is used in the transformation of dynamical coefficients in the cross section calculation.

Data record format

  1. NumRot, (IAxis(i), RotAngle(i), i = 1, NumRot)

Data record variables

an integer that specifies the number of rotations to perform.
an integer that specifies the axis for a rotation, 1 for x axis, 2 for y axis, and 3 for z axis.
a real number that specifies the angle of rotation (in degrees) to perform about the axis specified by IAxis(i).


This optional record contains the three rotational constants given in cm^-1 to be used in order to calculate the asymmetric top eigenfunctions and eigenvalues (if different, should be given in descending order). If not given, computed values XZ = h/(8*PI^2*I_X) are used.



This data record contains the number of RungeKutta intervals between each grid point in the Radial integrations in ScatStab Default value is 4.



This data record contains a character string (LEN = 5) that indicates the IR of the continuum orbital.



This data record contains the electron energies for a scattering calculation performed by PhIon and Scat.

Data record format

  1. Energy-1 Energy-2 Energy-3 ...

Data record variables

a list of electron (or photoelectron) kinetic energy in eV for the scattering calculation.


This data record contains a sequence of electron energies for a scattering calculations performed by PhIonN and PhIonN and ScatN, with a fixed energy spacing.

Data record format

  1. Energy-Start Energy-Step Number-of-Energies

Data record variables

First energy in the lis, in eV
spacing between computed energies in eV
number of energies computed including the first energy


This data record contains a character string (LEN = 5) that indicates the IR of the total scattering state including both the target state and the continuum orbital.



This data record contains an interger that is the spin degeneracy of the total scattering state.



This data record the tolernace in the atomic position used to determine the symmetry operations. Used in the command GetBlms. Default value is 1.0e-05



This data record contains an interger that is the spin degeneracy of the target state.



This is an optional data record that contains an integer and is used in OrientCro. For a degenerate target state, the integer will indicate which component to include. The default is to sum all components.



This data record contains a character string (LEN = 5) that indicates the IR of the target state.



If this record is present, then the program writes out data to the standard output where lines to be compared between the old and new outputs begin with a special code. For example, "Test2Re" indicates that each line contains two real numbers. This will allow for automated unit testing of standard output.



This data record contains a real number which is the static polarizability of the molecule (in atomic units). If this data record is present, then the asymptotic polarization potential is forced to match this static polarizability in a scattering calculation. This record is usually created automatically by the command GetPot.



This data record contains a single character string with optional real number, that indicates which correlation potential to use. If the calculation does not use a correlation potential then this variable can either be not present on the data file or it can have the value of 'None'.

Data record format

PotTyp, PotFac

Data record variables

which can be one of the following:
do not do correlation potential.
use the Perdew-Zunger correlation potential.
use the Padial-Norcross correlation potential.
use the Boronski-Nieminen correlation potential. This is a potential which was designed to reresent the correlation between a positron and the bound electrons of a molecule.
use the Gibson's positron polarization potential by fitting a set of values computed on a cartesian grid.
Optional parameter for 'PZ' which scales the potential by this factor. If not present then the potential is scaled by 1.0.


This data record defines the input used in the vibrational averaging calculation with the command VibAve

Data record format

  1. NumXV
  2. XV(1:NumXV)
  3. XtoQDef, OmegaQDef
  4. XEIni, OmegaIni
  5. XEIon, OmegaIon
  6. Nv_Ini, Nv_Ion
  7. If Nv_Ini greater than 0 and Nv_Ion greater than 0 then
    1. v_Ini(1:Nv_Ini)
    2. v_Ion(1:Nv_Ion)
  8. X_n, X_f, X_l
  9. For i = 1 to NumXV
    1. FileNames(i), PhaseFix(i), NumRot(i),(IAxis(j, i), RotAngle(j, i), j = 1, NumRot(i))
  10. NFitStep
  11. If NFitStep greater than 0 then
    1. NTermFitExpr(1:NFitStep)
    2. For i = 1 to NTermFitExpr(NFitStep) then
      1. FitExpr(i)%nn, FitExpr(i)%nd
      2. For j = 1 to FitExpr(i)%nn then
        1. FitExpr(i)%n(j)%e, FitExpr(i)%n(j)%x1, FitExpr(i)%n(j)%vary
      3. For j = 1 to FitExpr(i)%nd then
        1. FitExpr(i)%d(j)%e, FitExpr(i)%d(j)%x1, FitExpr(i)%d(j)%vary
    3. For i = 1 to SUM(FitExpr(:)%nn)+SUM(FitExpr(:)%nd) then
      1. InitFitFactors(i)
    4. NFuncX1, NFuncEeV
  12. If NEngOut greater than 0 then read
    1. NEngOut, EngOutF, EngOutL
  13. Else if NEngOut less than 0 then read
    1. NEngOut, EngOutv(1:-NEngOut)
  14. Else if NEngOut is equal to 0 then read
    1. NEngOut
  15. InterpType, OrderX, OrderE, EpsNLFit

Data record variables

integer, number of points at which the matrix elements have been computed
real, input coordinates at which the matrix elements have been computed
real, factor to multiply the input coordinate to obtain the defined normal mode Q such that Q(Def) = 1 corresponds to the classical turning point of the lowest vibrational state with frequency OmegaQDef
real, frequency used to define normal coordinates Q(Def) state in wavenumbers
real, value of the input coordinate at the equilibrium of the initial state
real, frequency of the initial state in wavenumbers
real, value of the input coordinate at the equilibrium of the final (ion) state
real, frequency of the final (ion) state in wavenumbers
integer, number of vibrational states to condsider in the electronic initial state
integer, number of vibrational states to condsider in the electronic final (ion) state
integers, values of the vibrational quantum numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) to condsider in the electronic initial state. v_Ini = 0 is for the ground state.
integers, values of the vibrational quantum numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ....) to condsider in the electronic final (ion) state. v_Ion = 0 is for the ground state.
real, number of values of the input coordinate at which the matrix elements will be interpolated. Note that if either Nv_Ini or Nv_Ion are less than zero, then only will be performed and the resulting cross secitons will be computed at the interpolated points. Otherwise this grid of points will be used for the integration over the vibration mode to obtain the vibrationally specific cross sections.
real, first value of the input coordinate for interpolation
real, last value of the input coordinate for interpolation
character string, file which contains the matrix elements at the point XV(i)
real, relative phase of the matrix elements coputed at the point XV(i)
integer, number of rotations to perform on the matrix elements. These are in the same format as in the RotateFormIdy data record.
an integer that specifies the axis for a rotation, 1 for x axis, 2 for y axis, and 3 for z axis.
a real number that specifies the angle of rotation (in degrees) to perform about the axis specified by IAxis(i).
integer, number of steps in the non-linear global fitting procedure using a sum of rational fractions.
integers, number of rational fractions that will be included at each step
integer, number of terms in the numerator of the ith rational fraction
integer, number of terms in the denominator of the ith rational fraction
integer, value of the exponent on the energy of the jth term in the numerator of the ith rational fraction
integer, value of the exponent on the coordinate of the jth term in the numerator of the ith rational fraction
integer, the first fitting step at which to allow the jth term in the numerator of the ith rational fraction to vary, if equal to 0 then do not vary
integer, value of the exponent on the energy of the jth term in the denominator of the ith rational fraction
integer, value of the exponent on the coordinate of the jth term in the denominator of the ith rational fraction
integer, the first fitting step at which to allow the jth term in the denominator of the ith rational fraction to vary, if equal to 0 then do not vary
complex, initial value of the nonlinear fitting parameters given in the order that the exponents have been previously given
integer, in additional to the rational fractions, the nonlinear fit has a linear part constructed from direct product of polynomials in the coordinate and energy, this is the number of polynomial terms in the input coordinate
integer, number of energy polynomials in the linear part of the non-linear fit
integer, number of energies at which to interpolate the energy
real, eV, first energy in the computed list of energies
real , eV, last energy in the computed list of energies
real, eV, explicit list of energies
integer, interpolation type for the final local interpolation
integer, order of the polynomial to use for the coordinate direction, not used for splines
integer, order of the polynomial or spline to use for the energy direction, not used for splines
real, cutoff used in the non-linear interpolation, if the root mean square relative error of a particular matrix element over the values of the coordinate and energy in the input is less than this value in after a step of the non-linear fit, then no further steps are considered. This can be made larger to suppress unpysical oscillations which can occur in the global fit when too many fitting parameters are included. Not used when there is no non-linear interpolation.


This data record defines the input use in the vibrational averaging calculation for more than one dimension using the command VibAveN

Data record format

  1. DimModes, VibType
  2. NumXV(1:DimModes)
  3. (XV(1:NumXV(i), i), i = 1, DimModes)
  4. XtoQDef(1:DimModes,1:DimModes), OmegaQDef(1:DimModes)
  5. XEIni(1:DimModes), OmegaIni(1:DimModes)
  6. XEIon(1:DimModes), OmegaIon(1:DimModes)
  7. If VibType is equal to 2 then
    1. VMax_Ini(1:DimModes), VMax_Ion(1:DimModes)
  8. Nv_Ini_Out, Nv_Ion_Out
  9. If VibType is equal to 1 and Nv_Ini_Out greater than 0 and Nv_Ion_Out greater than 0 then
    1. v_Ini(1:DimModes,1:Nv_Ini_Out)
    2. v_Ion(1:DimModes,1:Nv_Ion_Out)
  10. If VibType is equal to 2 then
    1. MorsePot_Ini%n
    2. MorsePot_Ini%beta(1:DimModes)
    3. MorsePot_Ini%x0(1:DimModes)
    4. (MorsePot_Ini%c(i), MorsePot_Ini%p(1:DimModes,i), i = 1, MorsePot_Ini%n)
    5. MorsePot_Ion%n
    6. MorsePot_Ion%beta(1:MorsePot_Ion%n)
    7. MorsePot_Ion%x0(1:MorsePot_Ion%n)
    8. (MorsePot_Ion%c(i), MorsePot_Ion%p(1:DimModes,i), i = 1, MorsePot_Ion%n)
    9. (X_n_Vib(i), X_f_Vib(i), X_l_Vib(i), i = 1, DimModes), alpha
  11. NumXVTotal
  12. If NumXVTotal greater than 0
    1. indXV(1:DimModes,1:NumXVTotal)
    If NumXVTotal is read in as -1 then inside the program it is reset to NumXV(1)*...*NumXV(DimModes)
  13. X_nType
  14. If X_nType equal to 4 then read
    1. NXRays
    2. DirXRays(1:DimModes,1:NXRays)
  15. If X_nType equal to 5 then read
    1. NXRays
    2. (DirXOrigin(1:DimModes,k), DirXEnd(1:DimModes, k), X_n(k), k = 1, NXRays)
  16. If X_nType not equal to 5 and X_nType greater than 0 then read
    1. (X_n(i), X_f(i), X_l(i), i = 1, DimModes)
  17. If X_nType equal to 0 then read
    1. X_nTotal, XI_n(1:DimModes,1:X_nTotal)
  18. If NumXVTotal not equal to 0 then
  19. For i = 0 to NumXVTotal
    1. FileNames(i), PhaseFix(i), NumRot(i),(IAxis(j, i), RotAngle(j, i), j = 1, NumRot(i))
  20. If NFitStep equal to 0
    1. NFitStep
    If NFitStep not equal to 0
    1. NFitStep, NLIterMax, WeightsNLFlag, WeightsIdyFlag, WeightsEnergyFlag
  21. If NFitStep not equal to 0 then
    1. If WeightNLFlag is not equal to 0 then read
      1. WeightsNL(1:NumXVTotal)
    2. If WeightsIdyFlag is not equal to zero then read
      1. (WeightsIdyPoint(i), WeightsIdyVal(i), i = 1, WeightsIdyFlag)
    3. If WeightsEnergyFlag not equal to 0 then read
      1. (WeightsEnergyEVal(i), WeightsEnergyVal(i), i = 1, WeightsEnergyFlag)
  22. If NFitStep greater than 0 then read
    1. NTermFitExpr(1:NFitStep)
    2. For i = 1 to NTermFitExpr(NFitStep) read
      1. FitExpr(i)%nn, FitExpr(i)%nd
      2. For j = 1 to FitExpr(i)%nn then
        1. FitExpr(i)%n(j)%n, FitExpr(i)%n(j)%p, (FitExpr(i)%n(j)%c(k), FitExpr(i)%n(j)%e(k), FitExpr(i)%n(j)%x(1:DimModes,k), k = 1, FitExpr(i)%n(j)%n), FitExpr(i)%n(j)%vary
      3. For j = 1 to FitExpr(i)%nd then
        1. If FitExpr(i)%d(j)%vary is greater or equal to 0 then read
          1. FitExpr(i)%d(j)%n, FitExpr(i)%d(j)%p, (FitExpr(i)%d(j)%c(k), FitExpr(i)%d(j)%e(k), FitExpr(i)%d(j)%x(1:DimModes,k), k = 1, FitExpr(i)%d(j)%n), FitExpr(i)%d(j)%vary
          If FitExpr(i)%d(j)%vary is less than 0 then read
          1. FitExpr(i)%d(j)%n, FitExpr(i)%d(j)%p, (FitExpr(i)%d(j)%c(k), FitExpr(i)%d(j)%e(k), FitExpr(i)%d(j)%x(1:DimModes,k), k = 1, FitExpr(i)%d(j)%n), FitExpr(i)%d(j)%vary, FitExpr(i)%d(j)%fi, FitExpr(i)%d(j)%fj
    3. For i = 1 to SUM(FitExpr(:)%nd) then
      1. InitFitFactors(i)
    4. For i = 1 to NTermFitExpr(NFitStep) read
      1. For j = 1 to FitExpr(i)%nd read
        1. FitExpr(i)%d(j)%ref
    5. NFuncXTotal, NFuncEeV
    6. (IndNCoefFuncX(i), indPowFuncX(i), (indCoefFuncX(j, i), indFuncX(1:DimModes, j, i), j = 1, indNCoefFuncX(i)), i = 1, NFuncXTotal)
    7. EpsNLFit, Gamma
  23. If NumXVTotal not equal 0 then read
    1. If NEngOut greater than 0 then read
      1. NEngOut, EngOutF, EngOutL
    2. If NEngOut less than 0 then read
      1. NEngOut, EngOutv(1:-NEngOut)
    3. If NEngOut is equal to 0 then read
      1. NEngOut
    4. If InterpType greater than 0 but not equal to 5 then read
      1. InterpType, OrderXTotal, WeightsMax, InterpPower
    5. If InterpType is less than or equal to 0 or equalt to 5 then read
      1. InterpType
    6. If InterpType greater than 0 but not equal to 5 then read
      1. (IndNCoefOrderX(i), indPowOrderX(i),(indCoefOrderX(j, i), indOrderX(:, j, i), j = 1, indNCoefOrderX(i)), i = 1, OrderXTotal)
      2. If InterpType equal to 3 or 4 then read
        1. NSpRay, RayCut
        2. RayDir(1:DimModes, 1:NSpRay)

Data record variables

interger, the number of vibrational modes
integer - indicates the treatment to use for the vibrational wave functions
integer, number of points in direction i that is needed to define where the matrix elements have been computed
XV(1:NumXV, i)
real, input coordinates used to define where the matrix elements have been computed. The values of XV for a direct product grid refered to as the X coordinates.
real, transformation matrix T(iQ, iX) to multiply the input coordinate vector X to obtain the defining normal mode Q(Def) using Q = T*(X-Xe) such that Q_i = 1 corresponds to the classical turning point of the lowest vibrational state which in the harmonic approximation has frequency OmegaQDef(i)
real, harmonic frequency in wavenumbers, used to compute the Q(Def) normal mode coordinate system.
real, value of the input coordinate X(i) at the origin of of the normal modes for the initial state
real, harmonic frequency of the initial state in wavenumbers, for the anharmonic calculation this frequency is used to construct the basis set used in the vibrational calculation.
real, value of the input coordinate at origin of the normal modes of the final (ion) state
real, harmonic frequency of the final (ion) state in wavenumbers
integer, the number of harmonic oscillator basis functions in mode i to use in the anharmonic calculation for the initial state vibrations. The full basis set is formed as a direct product basis set for harmonic oscillator functions in each normal mode.
integer, the number of harmonic oscillator basis functions in mode i to use in the anharmonic calculation for the ion state vibrations.
integer, number of vibrational states to compute for the electronic initial state. In the anharmonic Morse potential calculation these states are the Nv_Ini_Out lowest states ordered by energy. If Nv_Ini_Out = 0 then write out cross sections on the X_n grid. If Nv_Ini_Out = -1 then write out selected matrix elements on the X_n grid.
integer, number of vibrational states to compute for the electronic final (ion) state. If Nv_Ini_Out = -1 then Nv_Ion_Out gives the number of matrix elements to write out from the list of largest magnitude matrix elements.
integers, values of the vibrational quantum numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) to condsider in the electronic initial state. Here we use the harmonic approximation assuming separable motion so that the vibrational eigen state are products of one-dimensional harmonic oscillator functions. In this case state iState contains the quantum state v_Ini(iMode,iState) from mode iMode. A value of v_Ini = 0 implies a ground harmonic oscillator state.
integer, ion state quantum numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). This is the same as v_Ini for the electronic final (ion) state.
integer, the number of terms used to define the Morse expansion of the initial state potential. This expansion is in terms of the X coordinates. This expansion uses the form of the radial parts of Eq. (4) in Sankari et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 380, 647 (2003).
real, exponent in the Morse function for mode i in the initial state, units are the inverse of the units of the X coordinates
real, the expansion point of the Morse function for mode i in the initial state, units are the same as the X coordinates
real, coefficient for the ith term in the expansion in the initial state, in units of wave numbers
MorsePot_Ini%p(j, i)
integer, exponent for mode j in the ith term in the initial state
integer, the number of terms used to define the Morse expansion of the ion state potential.
real, exponent in the Morse function for mode i in the ion state, units are the inverse of the units of the X coordinates
real, the expansion point of the Morse function for mode i in the ion state, units are the units of the X coordinates
real, coefficient for the ith term in the expansion in the ion state, units of wave numbers
MorsePot_Ion%p(j, i)
integer, exponent for mode j in the ith term in the ion state
integer, number of points to use in the ith direction in the vibrational calculation
real, first point in the grid for the ith direction in the vibrational calculation
real, last point in the grid for the ith direction in the vibrational calculation. Note that the range of the vibrational calculation must be larger than the range of coordinate used to compute the integrals using the variables X_n(i), X_f(i), and X_l(i).
real, with units that are the inverse of the units used to define X. This parameter is used to define a cutoff function that confines range of the harmonic oscillator functions to the range defined by X_f_Vib and X_l_Vib. The dependence on alpha is of the form exp(-alpha*(X-X_l_Vib))
integer, number of points where the dipole matrix elements have been computed, if NumXVTotal is equal to 0 the only do vibrational part of the calculation. If NumXVTotal is equal to -1 the use a direct product grid and the value of NumXVTotal in the program is set to NumXV(1)*...NumXV(DimModes).
indXV(i, j)
integer, the jth point where the matrix elements have been computed is defined as (XV(indXV(i, j), i), i = 1, DimModes)
integer, indicates the type of grid
integer, number of rays along which the values of the dipole matrix elements should be interpolated
real, jth ray directiondirection from X = 0 used for interpolation
real, starting point for an arbitrary line used for interpolation
real, ending point for arbitrary line used for interpolations
real, number of values of the input coordinate for direction i at which the matrix elements will be interpolated. If rays are being used for interpolation, then this is for the ith ray.
real, first value of the input coordinate for interpolation in direction or ray i
real, last value of the input coordinate for interpolation in direction or ray i
integer, number of points at which to interpolate the matrix elements
real, explicit list of points at which to interpolate the matrix elements
character string, file which contains the matrix elements at the ith point in the list of NumXVTotal points
real, phase correction for the matrix elements computed at the ith point
integer, number of rotations to perform on the matrix elements. These are in the same format as in the RotateFormIdy data record.
an integer that specifies the axis for a rotation, 1 for x axis, 2 for y axis, and 3 for z axis.
a real number that specifies the angle of rotation (in degrees) to perform about the axis specified by IAxis(i).
integer, number of steps in the non-linear global fitting procedure using a sum of rational fractions.
integer, maximum number of iteration allowd in the nonlinear optimization
integer, flag to indicate that different weights for different points are needed
integer, flag to indicate the number of matrix elements that get weights other than 1.0
integer, Flag to indicate number of energies that get weights other than 1.0
real, weight to give to the matrix elements at the ith point
integer, indicates which matrix elements should have a weight other than 1.0
real, value of the weight for the WeightsIdyPoint(i)th matrix element
integer, number of weights that should have weights other than 1.0
real, energy (in eV) that should have a different weight
real, corresponding weight for this energy
integers, number of rational fractions that will be included at each step
integer, number of terms in the numerator of the ith rational fraction
integer, number of terms in the denominator of the ith rational fraction
integer, number of power series factors that are combined to make the jth term in the numerator for the ith rational fraction
integer, overall power to apply to this term
real, coefficient for the kth power series factor in the jth term in the numerator of the ith rational fraction
integer, value of the exponent on the energy of the kth factor in the jth term in the numerator of the ith rational fraction
integer, values of the exponents on the coordinates of the kth factor in the jth term in the numerator of the ith rational fraction
integer, the first fitting step at which to allow the jth term in the numerator of the ith rational fraction to vary, if equal to 0 then do not vary
integer, number of power series factors that are combined to make the jth term in the denominator for the ith rational fraction
integer, overall power to apply to this term
real, coefficient for the kth power series factor in the jth term in the denominator of the ith rational fraction
integer, value of the exponent on the energy of the kth factor in the jth term in the denominator of the ith rational fraction
integer, values of the exponents on the coordinates of the kth factor in the jth term in the denominator of the ith rational fraction
integer, the first fitting step at which to allow the jth term in the denominator of the ith rational fraction to vary, if equal to 0 then do not vary. If FitExpr(i)%d(j)%vary then read in %fi and %fj and constrain the coefficient of this term to be the same as that in FitExpr(ABS(%fi))%d(%fj). If %fi is less than zero then constrain this parameter to have the same value but opposite sign to the term in FitExpr(i)%d(j)%vary
integer, the index of the rational fraction which has the term that the present term will be constrained by
integer, the index of the term that the present term will be constrained by
complex, initial value of the nonlinear fitting parameters, i.e. the parameters in the denominator of the nonlinear terms, given in the order that the exponents have been previously given
complex, reference value of the nonlinear fitting parameters, i.e. the parameters in the denominator of the nonlinear terms, given in the order that the exponents have been previously given. These values are used in the regularization procedure in the nonlinear optimization. Thus, the optimization will find the best values of the parameters subject to the constraint that they are in some sense close to the reference values.
integer, in additional to the rational fractions, the nonlinear fit has a linear part constructed from direct product of polynomials in the coordinate and energy, this is the number of polynomial terms in the input coordinate
integer, number of energy polynomials in the linear part of the non-linear fit, if this value is negative then inverse powers of E are used.
integer, the number of power series factors in this term of the additional linear power series expansion used in the non-linear fit
integer, overall exponent plus one for this term, unlike the terms in the definition of the non-linear fitting terms, the indPowFUncX are indexes in a list of orthogonal polynomials so that a term with index 1 corresponds to term with order 0
indCoefFuncX(j, i)
real, coefficient for this factor
indFuncX(1:DimModes, j, i)
integer, exponent for each coordinate in this factor
real, parameter used to truncate the sequence of nonlinear fits. If the realtive value of the rms error in the matrix elements falls below this cutoff, then no further non-linear optimization steps are performed. Typical value is 0.006
real, regularization parameter, see J. Chem. Phys. 115, 899 (2001). The larger the value of Gamma, the closer the parameters will be to the reference values. Typical value is 0.04.
integer, number of energies at which to interpolate the energy
real, eV, first energy in the computed list of energies
real , eV, last energy in the computed list of energies
real, eV, explicit list of energies
integer, interpolation type for the final local interpolation
integer, order of the final polynomial interpolation using a moving least squares (MLS) method. See Mol. Phys. 108, 1055 (2010).
real, maximum relative weight for the final MLS interpolations, typical value is 1000.
real, power applied to the sum of squares in computing the weight function, typical value is 3.0
integer, this is the number of factors in this term
integer, overall power on this term
indCoefOrderX(j, i)
real, coefficient for this factor
indOrderX(1:DimModes, j, i)
integer, index on the orthogonal polynomial for this coordinate, i.e. the exponent for this coordinate plus one
integer, number of rays for the first interpolation of the geometry
real, cutoff to keep the spline fits from getting too close to the oprigin where all of the rays come together, typical value is 0.1
real, direction of this mode


This data record defines the input use in the vibrational averaging calculation for more than one dimension using the command VibAveNI

Data record format



If present, this data record indicates that the one dimensional vibrational averaging calculation is for a bending mode of a linear molecule. This record then contains the information needed for the bending mode calculation.

Data record format

  1. LambdaIni, LambdaIon

Data record variables

integer, value of the vibrational angular momentum in the initial state
integer, value of the vibrational angular momentum in the ion state


This data record defines the Cartesian grid that ViewOrb uses to expand various orbitals.

Data record format

  1. corig, ((caxis(k, i), k = 1, 3), i = 1, 2)
  2. For igrid = 1 to 3 read
    cmin(igrid), cmax(igrid), cstep(igrid)

Data record variables

real vector, origin of the cartesian system (in Angstroms).
caxis(k, i)
real, caxis(1:3,1) and caxis(1:3,2) are two of the vectors that define the axes of the cartesian coordinate system. The third vector is obtained from the cross product c3 = c1 x c2.
real, the lowest value of the coordinate in the direction of the igridth defining vector (in Angstroms).
real, the higest value of the coordinate in the direction of the igridth defining vector (in Angstroms).
real, the stepsize for the grid for the coordinate in the direction of the igridth defining vector (in Angstroms).


This data record defines the spherical polar grid that ViewOrb uses to expand various orbitals.

Data record format

  1. corig, ((caxis(k, i), k = 1, 3), i = 1, 2)
  2. rmin, rmax, rstep
  3. thetamin, thetamax, thetastep
  4. phimin, phimax, phistep

Data record variables

real vector, origin of the cartesian system (in Angstroms).
caxis(k, i)
real, caxis(1:3,1) and caxis(1:3,2) are two of the vectors that define the axes of the cartesian coordinate system. The third vector is obtained from the cross product c3 = c1 x c2.
real, the lowest value of the radial coordinate (in Angstroms).
real, the higest value of the radial coordinate (in Angstroms).
real, the stepsize for the radial grid (in Angstroms).
real, the lowest value of the theta coordinate (in degrees).
real, the higest value of the theta coordinate (in degrees).
real, the stepsize for the theta grid (in degrees).
real, the lowest value of the phi coordinate (in degrees).
real, the higest value of the phi coordinate (in degrees).
real, the stepsize for the phi grid (in degrees).


This data record defines the radial grid that ViewOrb uses to write the partial wave expansions of orbitals.

Data record format

  1. ExpLMax, rmin, rmax, rstep

Data record variables

integer, maximum partial wave L to write out, all partial waves with non-zero parts up to this L are written out. The partial waves are defined in terms of the real harmonics with negative vallues of m corresponding to the sine(|m|*phi) like functions and the non-negative values of m corresponding to the cosine(m*phi) like functions.
real, the lowest value of the radial coordinate (in Angstroms).
real, the higest value of the radial coordinate (in Angstroms).
real, the stepsize for the radial grid (in Angstroms).


This data record contains the parameter used to divide up the grid for the different processors. Default value is 1.5.
