Execution on n0180.lr6

ePolyScat Version E3

Authors: R. R. Lucchese, N. Sanna, A. P. P. Natalense, and F. A. Gianturco
Please cite the following two papers when reporting results obtained with  this program
F. A. Gianturco, R. R. Lucchese, and N. Sanna, J. Chem. Phys. 100, 6464 (1994).
A. P. P. Natalense and R. R. Lucchese, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 5344 (1999).


Starting at 2022-01-14  20:27:12.261 (GMT -0800)
Using    20 processors
Current git commit sha-1 836b26dfd5ffae0073e0f736b518bccf827345c3


+ Start of Input Records
# input file for test33
# BF3 Three dimensional vibrational average with non-linear fit

IPot 21.5    # IPot, ionization potential
  3  2 # DimModes number of modes, VibType = 1 for harmonic, = 2 for Morse expansion
  11 11 11  # NumXV - number of points in each dimension used to define the geometries of the photoionization calcs

  -0.18 -0.14 -.10 -.06 -.02 0. .02 .06 .10 0.14 0.18  # XV - computed matrix elements are defined
  -0.18 -0.14 -.10 -.06 -.02 0. .02 .06 .10 0.14 0.18  # on a direct product grid of the points given
  -0.18 -0.14 -.10 -.06 -.02 0. .02 .06 .10 0.14 0.18  # This is the "X" coordinate system

  -9.728536137257   16.8503188729994  13.3540794094839 # XtoQDef - transformation from the "X"
  19.457072274514    0.0000000000000  13.3540794094839
  -9.728536137257  -16.8503188729994  13.3540794094839

  1558.0  1558.0  949.4  # OmegaQDef, frequencies used in the calculation of the "Q" coordinates

  0.0 0.0 0.0     # XEIni, position of the minimum for the initial states in the "X" coordinate system
  1463. 1463. 888.0  # OmegaIni, cm-1, frequency of initial state vibrations, or of the harmonic basis in the Morse
                     # potential calculation

2.153587085E-02   2.153587085E-02  2.153587085E-02 # XEIon, displacement to get ion normal modes in the "X" coordinates
  2040.6 2040.6 806.6 # OmegaIon, cm-1, frequency of ion normal modes

  7  7  7  # VMax_Ini, number of harmonic oscillator functions in each "Q" mode used in the initial state
  7  7  7  # VMax_Ion, number of basis functions in the ion state.
   1  8    # Nv_Ini_Out, Nv_Ion_Out, number of vibrational state, ordered by eigen value to compute the
           # matrix elements over for the initial and ion states

   20 # number of terms in the initial state potential

      2.710681030E+00    2.710681030E+00    2.710681030E+00  # beta
     -5.982498928E-03   -5.982498928E-03   -5.982498928E-03  # x0

      2.535000732E+01       0       0       0
     -1.048578508E+03       1       0       0
     -1.048578508E+03       0       1       0
     -1.048578508E+03       0       0       1
      4.954999915E+04       2       0       0
      4.954999915E+04       0       2       0
      4.954999915E+04       0       0       2
     -4.378422603E+02       3       0       0
     -4.378422603E+02       0       3       0
     -4.378422603E+02       0       0       3
     -1.714647099E+04       1       1       0
     -1.714647099E+04       0       1       1
     -1.714647099E+04       1       0       1
     -3.834751155E+04       1       1       1
      1.053988196E+04       2       1       0
      1.053988196E+04       2       0       1
      1.053988196E+04       1       2       0
      1.053988196E+04       0       2       1
      1.053988196E+04       1       0       2
      1.053988196E+04       0       1       2

   20   # number of terms in the ion potential
    3.068549333E+00    3.068549333E+00    3.068549333E+00  # beta
    1.233176510E-01    1.233176510E-01    1.233176510E-01    # x0

      5.029058022E+03       0       0       0
      9.543881011E+03       1       0       0
      9.543881011E+03       0       1       0
      9.543881011E+03       0       0       1
      3.971616237E+04       2       0       0
      3.971616237E+04       0       2       0
      3.971616237E+04       0       0       2
     -1.297849938E+03       3       0       0
     -1.297849938E+03       0       3       0
     -1.297849938E+03       0       0       3
     -2.506928176E+04       1       1       0
     -2.506928176E+04       0       1       1
     -2.506928176E+04       1       0       1
     -5.223755821E+04       1       1       1
      1.083725651E+04       2       1       0
      1.083725651E+04       2       0       1
      1.083725651E+04       1       2       0
      1.083725651E+04       0       2       1
      1.083725651E+04       1       0       2
      1.083725651E+04       0       1       2

   64  -.2 .4  # grid for vibrational integration
   64  -.2 .4
   64  -.2 .4
     80.       # parameter for cutoff function

   55          # NumXVTotal, number of geometries considered
    1  6  6
    2  6  6
    3  6  6
    4  6  6
    5  6  6
    7  6  6
    8  6  6
    9  6  6
   10  6  6
   11  6  6

    6  1  6
    6  2  6
    6  3  6
    6  4  6
    6  5  6
    6  7  6
    6  8  6
    6  9  6
    6 10  6
    6 11  6

    6  6  1
    6  6  2
    6  6  3
    6  6  4
    6  6  5
    6  6  7
    6  6  8
    6  6  9
    6  6 10
    6  6 11

    3  3  3
    4  4  4
    5  5  5
    6  6  6
    7  7  7
    8  8  8
    9  9  9

    3  3  9
    4  4  8
    5  5  7
    7  7  5
    8  8  4
    9  9  3

    3  9  3
    4  8  4
    5  7  5
    7  5  7
    8  4  8
    9  3  9

    9  3  3
    8  4  4
    7  5  5
    5  7  7
    4  8  8
    3  9  9

   1 # X_nType = 1 for Gaussian quadrature
   16 -.15 .15
   16 -.15 .15
   16 -.15 .15

  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.

  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.

  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.

  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d10.idy'  1.0 0
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d06.idy'  1.0 0
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d02.idy'  1.0 0
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d00.idy'  1.0 2 1 180. 3 180.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 1 180. 3 180.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d06.idy'  1.0 2 1 180. 3 180.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d10.idy'  1.0 2 1 180. 3 180.

  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.

  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.

  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
  '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.

   1 30 0 6 0  # NFitStep, NLIterMax, WeightsNLFlag, WeightsIdyFlag, WeightsEnergy

   7 1000000.   # only use matrix element 7, 101, 4, 97, 2, 94 to optimize
 101 1000000.
   4 1000000.
  97 1000000.
   2 1000000.
  94 1000000.

  10  4
 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 1 0 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 1 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 1 1
 1 1  1.0           0 2 0 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 2 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 2 1
 1 1  1.0           0 1 1 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 1 0 1 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 1 1 1
 1 1  1.0           1 0 0 0 0
 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 0 1
 3 1  1.0           0 1 0 0  1.0           0 0 1 0   1.0           0 0 0 1 1
 6 -1 2.0  0 2 0 0   2.0 0 0 2 0   2.0  0 0 0 2 -2.0 0 1 1 0 -2.0 0 1 0 1 -2.0 0 0 1 1   1
  10   4
 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 1 0 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 1 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 1 1
 1 1  1.0           0 2 0 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 2 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 2 1
 1 1  1.0           0 1 1 0 1
 1 1  1.0           0 1 0 1 1
 1 1  1.0           0 0 1 1 1
 1 1  1.0           1 0 0 0 0
 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 0 -1 1 2
 3 1  1.0           0 1 0 0  1.0           0 0 1 0   1.0           0 0 0 1   -1 1 3
 6 -1 2.0  0 2 0 0   2.0 0 0 2 0   2.0  0 0 0 2 -2.0 0 1 1 0 -2.0 0 1 0 1 -2.0 0 0 1 1   -1 -1 4

    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01
    0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01
   -0.1364901543E+02  -0.2546985586E+01
    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01
    0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01
    0.1364901543E+02   0.2546985586E+01

  # reference parameters

    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01
    0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01
   -0.1364901543E+02  -0.2546985586E+01
    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01
    0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01
    0.1364901543E+02   0.2546985586E+01

 16  -4
 1 1 1.0  1 1 1 # 1
 1 1 1.0  2 1 1 # 2
 1 1 1.0  1 2 1 # 3
 1 1 1.0  1 1 2 # 4
 1 1 1.0  3 1 1 # 5
 1 1 1.0  1 3 1 # 6
 1 1 1.0  1 1 3 # 7
 1 1 1.0  2 2 1 # 8
 1 1 1.0  2 1 2 # 9
 1 1 1.0  1 2 2 # 10
 1 1 1.0  4 1 1 # 11
 1 1 1.0  1 4 1 # 12
 1 1 1.0  1 1 4 # 13
 2 1 1.0  3 2 1  1.0  1 2 3 # 14
 2 1 1.0  3 1 2  1.0  1 3 2 # 15
 2 1 1.0  2 1 3  1.0  2 3 1 # 16

 0.006  0.04   #  EpsNLFit, Gamma

  3 1. 28.5   # do all energies  # usually 301

  4  10  1000. 3.0  # interp type (Spline), OrderX EpsNLFit, WeightsMax for last interpolation
 1 1 1.0  1 1 1
 1 1 1.0  2 1 1
 1 1 1.0  1 2 1
 1 1 1.0  1 1 2
 1 1 1.0  3 1 1
 1 1 1.0  1 3 1
 1 1 1.0  1 1 3
 1 1 1.0  2 2 1
 1 1 1.0  2 1 2
 1 1 1.0  1 2 2
   7 0.1  # number of rays, cut off for smallest spline sample
  1.0  1.0  1.0
  1.0  0.0  0.0
  0.0  1.0  0.0
  0.0  0.0  1.0
 -1.0  1.0  1.0
  1.0 -1.0  1.0
  1.0  1.0 -1.0

+ End of input reached
+ Data Record IPot - 21.5
+ Data Record VibAveNInp
+ 3  2 / 11 11 11 / -0.18 -0.14 -.10 -.06 -.02 0. .02 .06 .10 0.14 0.18
+ -0.18 -0.14 -.10 -.06 -.02 0. .02 .06 .10 0.14 0.18 / -0.18 -0.14 -.10 -.06 -.02 0. .02 .06 .10 0.14 0.18
+ -9.728536137257   16.8503188729994  13.3540794094839 / 19.457072274514    0.0000000000000  13.3540794094839
+ -9.728536137257  -16.8503188729994  13.3540794094839 / 1558.0  1558.0  949.4 / 0.0 0.0 0.0 / 1463. 1463. 888.0
+ 2.153587085E-02   2.153587085E-02  2.153587085E-02 / 2040.6 2040.6 806.6 / 7  7  7 / 7  7  7 / 1  8 / 20
+ 2.710681030E+00    2.710681030E+00    2.710681030E+00 / -5.982498928E-03   -5.982498928E-03   -5.982498928E-03
+ 2.535000732E+01       0       0       0 / -1.048578508E+03       1       0       0
+ -1.048578508E+03       0       1       0 / -1.048578508E+03       0       0       1
+ 4.954999915E+04       2       0       0 / 4.954999915E+04       0       2       0
+ 4.954999915E+04       0       0       2 / -4.378422603E+02       3       0       0
+ -4.378422603E+02       0       3       0 / -4.378422603E+02       0       0       3
+ -1.714647099E+04       1       1       0 / -1.714647099E+04       0       1       1
+ -1.714647099E+04       1       0       1 / -3.834751155E+04       1       1       1
+ 1.053988196E+04       2       1       0 / 1.053988196E+04       2       0       1
+ 1.053988196E+04       1       2       0 / 1.053988196E+04       0       2       1
+ 1.053988196E+04       1       0       2 / 1.053988196E+04       0       1       2 / 20
+ 3.068549333E+00    3.068549333E+00    3.068549333E+00 / 1.233176510E-01    1.233176510E-01    1.233176510E-01
+ 5.029058022E+03       0       0       0 / 9.543881011E+03       1       0       0
+ 9.543881011E+03       0       1       0 / 9.543881011E+03       0       0       1
+ 3.971616237E+04       2       0       0 / 3.971616237E+04       0       2       0
+ 3.971616237E+04       0       0       2 / -1.297849938E+03       3       0       0
+ -1.297849938E+03       0       3       0 / -1.297849938E+03       0       0       3
+ -2.506928176E+04       1       1       0 / -2.506928176E+04       0       1       1
+ -2.506928176E+04       1       0       1 / -5.223755821E+04       1       1       1
+ 1.083725651E+04       2       1       0 / 1.083725651E+04       2       0       1
+ 1.083725651E+04       1       2       0 / 1.083725651E+04       0       2       1
+ 1.083725651E+04       1       0       2 / 1.083725651E+04       0       1       2 / 64  -.2 .4 / 64  -.2 .4
+ 64  -.2 .4 / 80. / 55 / 1  6  6 / 2  6  6 / 3  6  6 / 4  6  6 / 5  6  6 / 7  6  6 / 8  6  6 / 9  6  6 / 10  6  6
+ 11  6  6 / 6  1  6 / 6  2  6 / 6  3  6 / 6  4  6 / 6  5  6 / 6  7  6 / 6  8  6 / 6  9  6 / 6 10  6 / 6 11  6 / 6  6  1
+ 6  6  2 / 6  6  3 / 6  6  4 / 6  6  5 / 6  6  7 / 6  6  8 / 6  6  9 / 6  6 10 / 6  6 11 / 3  3  3 / 4  4  4 / 5  5  5
+ 6  6  6 / 7  7  7 / 8  8  8 / 9  9  9 / 3  3  9 / 4  4  8 / 5  5  7 / 7  7  5 / 8  8  4 / 9  9  3 / 3  9  3 / 4  8  4
+ 5  7  5 / 7  5  7 / 8  4  8 / 9  3  9 / 9  3  3 / 8  4  4 / 7  5  5 / 5  7  7 / 4  8  8 / 3  9  9 / 1 / 16 -.15 .15
+ 16 -.15 .15 / 16 -.15 .15
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d10.idy'  1.0 0
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d06.idy'  1.0 0
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d02.idy'  1.0 0
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d00.idy'  1.0 2 1 180. 3 180.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 1 180. 3 180.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d06.idy'  1.0 2 1 180. 3 180.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d10.idy'  1.0 2 1 180. 3 180.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 270.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3  30.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy'  1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150.
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy' -1.0 2 2 270. 3 150. / 1 30 0 6 0
+ 7 1000000. / 101 1000000. / 4 1000000. / 97 1000000. / 2 1000000. / 94 1000000. / 2 / 10  4
+ 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 0 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 1 0 0 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 0 1 0 1
+ 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 1 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 2 0 0 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 0 2 0 1
+ 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 2 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 1 1 0 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 1 0 1 1
+ 1 1  1.0           0 0 1 1 1 / 1 1  1.0           1 0 0 0 0 / 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 0 1
+ 3 1  1.0           0 1 0 0  1.0           0 0 1 0   1.0           0 0 0 1 1
+ 6 -1 2.0  0 2 0 0   2.0 0 0 2 0   2.0  0 0 0 2 -2.0 0 1 1 0 -2.0 0 1 0 1 -2.0 0 0 1 1   1 / 10   4
+ 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 0 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 1 0 0 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 0 1 0 1
+ 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 1 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 2 0 0 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 0 2 0 1
+ 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 2 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 1 1 0 1 / 1 1  1.0           0 1 0 1 1
+ 1 1  1.0           0 0 1 1 1 / 1 1  1.0           1 0 0 0 0 / 1 1  1.0           0 0 0 0 -1 1 2
+ 3 1  1.0           0 1 0 0  1.0           0 0 1 0   1.0           0 0 0 1   -1 1 3
+ 6 -1 2.0  0 2 0 0   2.0 0 0 2 0   2.0  0 0 0 2 -2.0 0 1 1 0 -2.0 0 1 0 1 -2.0 0 0 1 1   -1 -1 4
+ 0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00 / -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01 / 0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01
+ -0.1364901543E+02  -0.2546985586E+01 / 0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00 / -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01
+ 0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01 / 0.1364901543E+02   0.2546985586E+01 / 0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
+ -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01 / 0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01 / -0.1364901543E+02  -0.2546985586E+01
+ 0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00 / -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01 / 0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01
+ 0.1364901543E+02   0.2546985586E+01 / 16  -4 / 1 1 1.0  1 1 1 / 1 1 1.0  2 1 1 / 1 1 1.0  1 2 1 / 1 1 1.0  1 1 2
+ 1 1 1.0  3 1 1 / 1 1 1.0  1 3 1 / 1 1 1.0  1 1 3 / 1 1 1.0  2 2 1 / 1 1 1.0  2 1 2 / 1 1 1.0  1 2 2 / 1 1 1.0  4 1 1
+ 1 1 1.0  1 4 1 / 1 1 1.0  1 1 4 / 2 1 1.0  3 2 1  1.0  1 2 3 / 2 1 1.0  3 1 2  1.0  1 3 2 / 2 1 1.0  2 1 3  1.0  2 3 1
+ 0.006  0.04 / 3 1. 28.5 / 4  10  1000. 3.0 / 1 1 1.0  1 1 1 / 1 1 1.0  2 1 1 / 1 1 1.0  1 2 1 / 1 1 1.0  1 1 2
+ 1 1 1.0  3 1 1 / 1 1 1.0  1 3 1 / 1 1 1.0  1 1 3 / 1 1 1.0  2 2 1 / 1 1 1.0  2 1 2 / 1 1 1.0  1 2 2 / 7 0.1
+ 1.0  1.0  1.0 / 1.0  0.0  0.0 / 0.0  1.0  0.0 / 0.0  0.0  1.0 / -1.0  1.0  1.0 / 1.0 -1.0  1.0 / 1.0  1.0 -1.0

+ Command VibAveN

VibAveN - compute photoionization cross section with vibrational averaging with N modes

Ionization potential (IPot) =     21.5000 eV
Use all asympotic partial waves in continuum (LMaxK) =   -1
Number modes and generalized coordinates (DimModes) =    3
Treatement of vibrational modes (VibType) (1 for harmonic, 2 for morse expansion) =    2
Number of values of the generalized coordinate   1 =    11
Number of values of the generalized coordinate   2 =    11
Number of values of the generalized coordinate   3 =    11
Coord     1  Values of X:
 -0.18000 -0.14000 -0.10000 -0.06000 -0.02000  0.00000  0.02000  0.06000
  0.10000  0.14000  0.18000
Coord     2  Values of X:
 -0.18000 -0.14000 -0.10000 -0.06000 -0.02000  0.00000  0.02000  0.06000
  0.10000  0.14000  0.18000
Coord     3  Values of X:
 -0.18000 -0.14000 -0.10000 -0.06000 -0.02000  0.00000  0.02000  0.06000
  0.10000  0.14000  0.18000
Transformation from input coordinates to reference normal modes (Q(Def) = T*(X-Xe))
Normal Mode     1 -0.97285361E+01  0.19457072E+02 -0.97285361E+01
Normal Mode     2  0.16850319E+02  0.00000000E+00 -0.16850319E+02
Normal Mode     3  0.13354079E+02  0.13354079E+02  0.13354079E+02
Oscillator frequency in the used to define Q(Def) coordinates for mode     1 =  0.15580000E+04 cm-1
Oscillator frequency in the used to define Q(Def) coordinates for mode     2 =  0.15580000E+04 cm-1
Oscillator frequency in the used to define Q(Def) coordinates for mode     3 =  0.94940000E+03 cm-1
Minimum of the initial state in the X( 1) coordintae =  0.00000000E+00 Angs
Minimum of the initial state in the X( 2) coordintae =  0.00000000E+00 Angs
Minimum of the initial state in the X( 3) coordintae =  0.00000000E+00 Angs
Oscillator frequency in the initial state for mode     1 =  0.14630000E+04 cm-1
Oscillator frequency in the initial state for mode     2 =  0.14630000E+04 cm-1
Oscillator frequency in the initial state for mode     3 =  0.88800000E+03 cm-1
Minimum of the ion state in the X( 1) coordintae =  0.21535871E-01 Angs
Minimum of the ion state in the X( 2) coordintae =  0.21535871E-01 Angs
Minimum of the ion state in the X( 3) coordintae =  0.21535871E-01 Angs
Oscillator frequency in the ion state for mode     1 =  0.20406000E+04 cm-1
Oscillator frequency in the ion state for mode     2 =  0.20406000E+04 cm-1
Oscillator frequency in the ion state for mode     3 =  0.80660000E+03 cm-1
Transformation from input coordinates to initial state normal  modes (Q(Ini) = T*(X-Xe))
Normal Mode     1 -0.94272697E+01  0.18854539E+02 -0.94272697E+01
Normal Mode     2  0.16328510E+02  0.00000000E+00 -0.16328510E+02
Normal Mode     3  0.12915042E+02  0.12915042E+02  0.12915042E+02
Transformation from input coordinates to ion state normal modes (Q(Ion) = T*(X-Xe))
Normal Mode     1 -0.11133782E+02  0.22267564E+02 -0.11133782E+02
Normal Mode     2  0.19284276E+02  0.00000000E+00 -0.19284276E+02
Normal Mode     3  0.12308878E+02  0.12308878E+02  0.12308878E+02
Maximum vibrational quantum number in each normal mode for the initial state =    7    7    7
Maximum vibrational quantum number in each normal mode for the ion state =    7    7    7
Number of the initial states (Nv_Ini_Out) =    1  and of ion states (Nv_Ion_Out) =    8
Number of terms in the initial state potential =   20
Initial state morse potential exponents
  0.27106810E+01  0.27106810E+01  0.27106810E+01
Initial state morse potential expansion point
 -0.59824989E-02 -0.59824989E-02 -0.59824989E-02
Initial state potential definition
  0.25350007E+02    0    0    0
 -0.10485785E+04    1    0    0
 -0.10485785E+04    0    1    0
 -0.10485785E+04    0    0    1
  0.49549999E+05    2    0    0
  0.49549999E+05    0    2    0
  0.49549999E+05    0    0    2
 -0.43784226E+03    3    0    0
 -0.43784226E+03    0    3    0
 -0.43784226E+03    0    0    3
 -0.17146471E+05    1    1    0
 -0.17146471E+05    0    1    1
 -0.17146471E+05    1    0    1
 -0.38347512E+05    1    1    1
  0.10539882E+05    2    1    0
  0.10539882E+05    2    0    1
  0.10539882E+05    1    2    0
  0.10539882E+05    0    2    1
  0.10539882E+05    1    0    2
  0.10539882E+05    0    1    2
Number of terms in the ion state potential =   20
Ion state morse potential exponents
  0.30685493E+01  0.30685493E+01  0.30685493E+01
Ion state morse potential expansion point
  0.12331765E+00  0.12331765E+00  0.12331765E+00
Iontial state potential definition
  0.50290580E+04    0    0    0
  0.95438810E+04    1    0    0
  0.95438810E+04    0    1    0
  0.95438810E+04    0    0    1
  0.39716162E+05    2    0    0
  0.39716162E+05    0    2    0
  0.39716162E+05    0    0    2
 -0.12978499E+04    3    0    0
 -0.12978499E+04    0    3    0
 -0.12978499E+04    0    0    3
 -0.25069282E+05    1    1    0
 -0.25069282E+05    0    1    1
 -0.25069282E+05    1    0    1
 -0.52237558E+05    1    1    1
  0.10837257E+05    2    1    0
  0.10837257E+05    2    0    1
  0.10837257E+05    1    2    0
  0.10837257E+05    0    2    1
  0.10837257E+05    1    0    2
  0.10837257E+05    0    1    2
Use Gaussian quadrature grid in the computation of the vibrational states
For mode   1  Number of Points =   64  First point = -0.20000000E+00  Last Point =  0.40000000E+00
For mode   2  Number of Points =   64  First point = -0.20000000E+00  Last Point =  0.40000000E+00
For mode   3  Number of Points =   64  First point = -0.20000000E+00  Last Point =  0.40000000E+00
Exponetial parameter for cutoff functions used on the harmonic oscillator functions  (alpha) =  0.80000000E+02
Number of different geometries at which the cross sections have been computed (NumXVTotal) =   55
If NumXVTotal == 0) then only do vibrational part of the problem
If NumXVTotal == -1) then use direct product grid
Coordinates for each geometry
geometry     1  indices =  1  6  6
geometry     2  indices =  2  6  6
geometry     3  indices =  3  6  6
geometry     4  indices =  4  6  6
geometry     5  indices =  5  6  6
geometry     6  indices =  7  6  6
geometry     7  indices =  8  6  6
geometry     8  indices =  9  6  6
geometry     9  indices = 10  6  6
geometry    10  indices = 11  6  6
geometry    11  indices =  6  1  6
geometry    12  indices =  6  2  6
geometry    13  indices =  6  3  6
geometry    14  indices =  6  4  6
geometry    15  indices =  6  5  6
geometry    16  indices =  6  7  6
geometry    17  indices =  6  8  6
geometry    18  indices =  6  9  6
geometry    19  indices =  6 10  6
geometry    20  indices =  6 11  6
geometry    21  indices =  6  6  1
geometry    22  indices =  6  6  2
geometry    23  indices =  6  6  3
geometry    24  indices =  6  6  4
geometry    25  indices =  6  6  5
geometry    26  indices =  6  6  7
geometry    27  indices =  6  6  8
geometry    28  indices =  6  6  9
geometry    29  indices =  6  6 10
geometry    30  indices =  6  6 11
geometry    31  indices =  3  3  3
geometry    32  indices =  4  4  4
geometry    33  indices =  5  5  5
geometry    34  indices =  6  6  6
geometry    35  indices =  7  7  7
geometry    36  indices =  8  8  8
geometry    37  indices =  9  9  9
geometry    38  indices =  3  3  9
geometry    39  indices =  4  4  8
geometry    40  indices =  5  5  7
geometry    41  indices =  7  7  5
geometry    42  indices =  8  8  4
geometry    43  indices =  9  9  3
geometry    44  indices =  3  9  3
geometry    45  indices =  4  8  4
geometry    46  indices =  5  7  5
geometry    47  indices =  7  5  7
geometry    48  indices =  8  4  8
geometry    49  indices =  9  3  9
geometry    50  indices =  9  3  3
geometry    51  indices =  8  4  4
geometry    52  indices =  7  5  5
geometry    53  indices =  5  7  7
geometry    54  indices =  4  8  8
geometry    55  indices =  3  9  9
X_nType =    1  use Gauss quadrature
For mode   1  Number of Points =   16  First point = -0.15000000E+00  Last Point =  0.15000000E+00
For mode   2  Number of Points =   16  First point = -0.15000000E+00  Last Point =  0.15000000E+00
For mode   3  Number of Points =   16  First point = -0.15000000E+00  Last Point =  0.15000000E+00
Geom     1  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy
XV = -0.18000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom     2  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy
XV = -0.14000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom     3  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy
XV = -0.10000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom     4  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy
XV = -0.60000000E-01  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom     5  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy
XV = -0.20000000E-01  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom     6  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy
XV =  0.20000000E-01  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom     7  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy
XV =  0.60000000E-01  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom     8  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy
XV =  0.10000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom     9  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy
XV =  0.14000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom    10  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy
XV =  0.18000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom    11  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00 -0.18000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    12  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00 -0.14000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    13  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    14  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00 -0.60000000E-01  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    15  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00 -0.20000000E-01  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    16  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.20000000E-01  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    17  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.60000000E-01  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    18  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.10000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    19  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.14000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    20  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.18000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    21  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00 -0.18000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    22  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00 -0.14000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    23  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    24  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00 -0.60000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    25  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00 -0.20000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    26  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.20000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    27  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.60000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    28  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.10000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    29  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.14000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    30  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.18000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    31  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d10.idy
XV = -0.10000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00
Perform no rotations
Geom    32  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d06.idy
XV = -0.60000000E-01 -0.60000000E-01 -0.60000000E-01
Perform no rotations
Geom    33  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d02.idy
XV = -0.20000000E-01 -0.20000000E-01 -0.20000000E-01
Perform no rotations
Geom    34  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d00.idy
XV =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    1 180.00000
    3 180.00000
Geom    35  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d02.idy
XV =  0.20000000E-01  0.20000000E-01  0.20000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    1 180.00000
    3 180.00000
Geom    36  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d06.idy
XV =  0.60000000E-01  0.60000000E-01  0.60000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    1 180.00000
    3 180.00000
Geom    37  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d10.idy
XV =  0.10000000E+00  0.10000000E+00  0.10000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    1 180.00000
    3 180.00000
Geom    38  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy
XV = -0.10000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00  0.10000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    39  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy
XV = -0.60000000E-01 -0.60000000E-01  0.60000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    40  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy
XV = -0.20000000E-01 -0.20000000E-01  0.20000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    41  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy
XV =  0.20000000E-01  0.20000000E-01 -0.20000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    42  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy
XV =  0.60000000E-01  0.60000000E-01 -0.60000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    43  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy
XV =  0.10000000E+00  0.10000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 270.00000
Geom    44  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy
XV = -0.10000000E+00  0.10000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    45  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy
XV = -0.60000000E-01  0.60000000E-01 -0.60000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    46  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy
XV = -0.20000000E-01  0.20000000E-01 -0.20000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    47  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy
XV =  0.20000000E-01 -0.20000000E-01  0.20000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    48  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy
XV =  0.60000000E-01 -0.60000000E-01  0.60000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    49  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy
XV =  0.10000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00  0.10000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3  30.00000
Geom    50  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy
XV =  0.10000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00 -0.10000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom    51  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy
XV =  0.60000000E-01 -0.60000000E-01 -0.60000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom    52  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy
XV =  0.20000000E-01 -0.20000000E-01 -0.20000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom    53  Phase Fix =   1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy
XV = -0.20000000E-01  0.20000000E-01  0.20000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom    54  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy
XV = -0.60000000E-01  0.60000000E-01  0.60000000E-01
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Geom    55  Phase Fix =  -1.000  File is = /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy
XV = -0.10000000E+00  0.10000000E+00  0.10000000E+00
Perform     2 rotations
    2 270.00000
    3 150.00000
Number of steps in the fitting procedure =    1
Maximum number of iterations in the non-linear optimization =      30
Flag to indicate that differnt weights for different points are needed =    0
Flag to indicate the number of matrix elements that get weights other than 1.0 =    6
Flag to indicate number of energies that get weights other than 1.0 =    0
Weights in non-linear fitting different than 1.0 by matrixelement
    7  0.10000000E+07  101  0.10000000E+07    4  0.10000000E+07   97  0.10000000E+07
    2  0.10000000E+07   94  0.10000000E+07
Number of terms in the global fitting function at each step =    2
Term     1
Number of factors in the numerator =   10
Number of factors in the denominator =    4
Term     1 Numerator Factor     1 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  0
Term     1 Numerator Factor     2 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  0  0
Term     1 Numerator Factor     3 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  1  0
Term     1 Numerator Factor     4 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  1
Term     1 Numerator Factor     5 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  2  0  0
Term     1 Numerator Factor     6 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  2  0
Term     1 Numerator Factor     7 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  2
Term     1 Numerator Factor     8 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  1  0
Term     1 Numerator Factor     9 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  0  1
Term     1 Numerator Factor    10 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  1  1
Term     1 Denominator Factor     1 vary step =  0 n =    1  pow =    1
 Value =  0.10000000E+01  0.00000000E+00  Reference Value =  0.10000000E+01  0.00000000E+00
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  1  exp for modes =  0  0  0
Term     1 Denominator Factor     2 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
 Value = -0.80412536E+01 -0.25243873E+01  Reference Value = -0.80412536E+01 -0.25243873E+01
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  0
Term     1 Denominator Factor     3 vary step =  1 n =    3  pow =    1
 Value =  0.11347315E+02  0.15107239E+01  Reference Value =  0.11347315E+02  0.15107239E+01
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  0  0
   2  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  1  0
   3  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  1
Term     1 Denominator Factor     4 vary step =  1 n =    6  pow =   -1
 Value = -0.13649015E+02 -0.25469856E+01  Reference Value = -0.13649015E+02 -0.25469856E+01
   1  Coef =   2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  2  0  0
   2  Coef =   2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  2  0
   3  Coef =   2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  2
   4  Coef =  -2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  1  0
   5  Coef =  -2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  0  1
   6  Coef =  -2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  1  1
Term     2
Number of factors in the numerator =   10
Number of factors in the denominator =    4
Term     2 Numerator Factor     1 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  0
Term     2 Numerator Factor     2 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  0  0
Term     2 Numerator Factor     3 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  1  0
Term     2 Numerator Factor     4 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  1
Term     2 Numerator Factor     5 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  2  0  0
Term     2 Numerator Factor     6 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  2  0
Term     2 Numerator Factor     7 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  2
Term     2 Numerator Factor     8 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  1  0
Term     2 Numerator Factor     9 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  0  1
Term     2 Numerator Factor    10 vary step =  1 n =    1  pow =    1
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  1  1
Term     2 Denominator Factor     1 vary step =  0 n =    1  pow =    1
 Value =  0.10000000E+01  0.00000000E+00  Reference Value =  0.10000000E+01  0.00000000E+00
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  1  exp for modes =  0  0  0
Term     2 Denominator Factor     2 vary step = -1 n =    1  pow =    1
This parameter is the same as that found in FitExpr(  1)%d(  2)
 Value = -0.80412536E+01 -0.25243873E+01  Reference Value = -0.80412536E+01 -0.25243873E+01
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  0
Term     2 Denominator Factor     3 vary step = -1 n =    3  pow =    1
This parameter is the same as that found in FitExpr(  1)%d(  3)
 Value =  0.11347315E+02  0.15107239E+01  Reference Value =  0.11347315E+02  0.15107239E+01
   1  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  0  0
   2  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  1  0
   3  Coef =   1.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  1
Term     2 Denominator Factor     4 vary step = -1 n =    6  pow =   -1
This parameter is the same as that found in FitExpr( -1)%d(  4)
 Value =  0.13649015E+02  0.25469856E+01  Reference Value =  0.13649015E+02  0.25469856E+01
   1  Coef =   2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  2  0  0
   2  Coef =   2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  2  0
   3  Coef =   2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  0  2
   4  Coef =  -2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  1  0
   5  Coef =  -2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  1  0  1
   6  Coef =  -2.00000 exp for E =  0  exp for modes =  0  1  1
Number of linear fitting functions for the global fit in each direction X(Total), EeV   16   -4
In the fitting functions for the energy First =    0  Skip =   -1  Shift =  0.21500000E+02 eV
For X corrdinate   1 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    1    1
For X corrdinate   2 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    2    1    1
For X corrdinate   3 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    2    1
For X corrdinate   4 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    1    2
For X corrdinate   5 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    3    1    1
For X corrdinate   6 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    3    1
For X corrdinate   7 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    1    3
For X corrdinate   8 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    2    2    1
For X corrdinate   9 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    2    1    2
For X corrdinate  10 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    2    2
For X corrdinate  11 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    4    1    1
For X corrdinate  12 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    4    1
For X corrdinate  13 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    1    4
For X corrdinate  14 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    3    2    1
   1.0000000000    1    2    3
For X corrdinate  15 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    3    1    2
   1.0000000000    1    3    2
For X corrdinate  16 orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    2    1    3
   1.0000000000    2    3    1
Eps used for convergence of non-linear fits (EpsNLFit) =  0.60000000E-02
Regularization parameter (Gamma) =  0.40000000E-01
Number of energies to write out     3  Starting with         1.00000 going to        28.50000
Type of interpolation (0 - none, (1, 2) - (poly, spline) no ray, (3,4) - (poly,spline) using geometry rays), 5 - spline on direct pr
InterpType  =    4
Order used in the final MLS interpolation X =   10
Maximum relative weight for the final MLS interpolations =  0.10000000E+04
Power applied to the sum of squares in computing the weight function =    3.0000
Finding initial state eigenvalues
Minimum diagonal overlap =  0.37523770E-01
Vibrational Eigenvalues
    1  0.19581181E+04  0.00000000E+00
    2  0.28569989E+04  0.89888071E+03
    3  0.34444966E+04  0.14863784E+04
    4  0.34444967E+04  0.14863786E+04
    5  0.37525858E+04  0.17944677E+04
    6  0.43356483E+04  0.23775301E+04
    7  0.43356492E+04  0.23775311E+04
    8  0.46449650E+04  0.26868469E+04
    9  0.49005674E+04  0.29424492E+04
   10  0.49264419E+04  0.29683238E+04
Finding ion state eigenvalues
Minimum diagonal overlap =  0.41522542E+00
Vibrational Eigenvalues
    1  0.24732190E+04  0.00000000E+00
    2  0.33011919E+04  0.82797293E+03
    3  0.41252281E+04  0.16520091E+04
    4  0.44942382E+04  0.20210192E+04
    5  0.44942392E+04  0.20210202E+04
    6  0.49454268E+04  0.24722078E+04
    7  0.53109764E+04  0.28377574E+04
    8  0.53109793E+04  0.28377603E+04
    9  0.57642412E+04  0.32910222E+04
   10  0.61237776E+04  0.36505586E+04
   11  0.61237838E+04  0.36505648E+04
   12  0.64467558E+04  0.39735368E+04
   13  0.65133041E+04  0.40400851E+04
MatrixWrite - Normalization of the initial states
       1    0.9999883644E+00
MatrixWrite - Normalization of the ion states
              1                 2                 3                 4                 5
              6                 7                 8
       1    0.9999441277E+00 -0.1808634313E-03  0.3777251202E-03 -0.1144917494E-15 -0.1541352125E-06
            0.5489757750E-03  0.1110223025E-14  0.7952881827E-07
       2   -0.1808634313E-03  0.9993797553E+00  0.1335425367E-02 -0.9436895709E-15 -0.9895729743E-07
            0.2188284871E-02 -0.2359223927E-15  0.4068407248E-06
       3    0.3777251202E-03  0.1335425367E-02  0.9967983580E+00  0.1047772979E-14  0.1931828078E-06
           -0.5800670204E-02 -0.6383782392E-15 -0.2912748291E-06
       4   -0.1769417945E-15 -0.9575673587E-15  0.1054711873E-14  0.9992233385E+00  0.2858824288E-14
            0.1033895192E-14  0.2055884825E-02  0.4333866599E-11
       5   -0.1541352126E-06 -0.9895729743E-07  0.1931828078E-06  0.2851885395E-14  0.9992247542E+00
            0.8476412056E-07 -0.4338862603E-11  0.2053662239E-02
       6    0.5489757750E-03  0.2188284871E-02 -0.5800670204E-02  0.1026956298E-14  0.8476412056E-07
            0.9888635676E+00 -0.5204170428E-16  0.1421820085E-05
       7    0.1151856388E-14 -0.2289834988E-15 -0.6626643678E-15  0.2055884825E-02 -0.4338862603E-11
           -0.3469446952E-16  0.9939123479E+00  0.2463307336E-15
       8    0.7952881825E-07  0.4068407247E-06 -0.2912748291E-06  0.4333873538E-11  0.2053662239E-02
            0.1421820085E-05  0.2567390744E-15  0.9939146924E+00
MatrixWrite - Franck-Condon overlap (Initial, Ion)
              1                 2                 3                 4                 5
              6                 7                 8
       1   -0.8188828999E+00  0.4944873718E+00  0.2143619044E+00 -0.1686151219E-14 -0.1915915821E-06
           -0.7618170461E-01 -0.2192690474E-14 -0.1178682748E-06
MatrixWrite - After Normalization of the initial states
       1    0.1000000000E+01
MatrixWrite - After Normalization of the ion states
              1                 2                 3                 4                 5
              6                 7                 8
       1    0.1000000000E+01 -0.1809246017E-03  0.3783418159E-03 -0.7285838599E-16 -0.1541993013E-06
            0.5520737846E-03  0.1131039706E-14  0.7977413536E-07
       2   -0.1809246017E-03  0.1000000000E+01  0.1337983294E-02 -0.9089951014E-15 -0.9902639302E-07
            0.2201255204E-02 -0.1387778781E-15  0.4082108936E-06
       3    0.3783418159E-03  0.1337983294E-02  0.1000000000E+01  0.9853229344E-15  0.1935678493E-06
           -0.5842602351E-02 -0.6938893904E-15 -0.2926339732E-06
       4   -0.1006139616E-15 -0.9228728892E-15  0.9853229344E-15  0.1000000000E+01  0.2827599266E-14
            0.1002670169E-14  0.2062972569E-02  0.4348646443E-11
       5   -0.1541993013E-06 -0.9902639302E-07  0.1935678493E-06  0.2841477054E-14  0.1000000000E+01
            0.8527314481E-07 -0.4353954697E-11  0.2060738430E-02
       6    0.5520737846E-03  0.2201255204E-02 -0.5842602351E-02  0.9922618283E-15  0.8527314480E-07
            0.1000000000E+01  0.1769417945E-15  0.1434174187E-05
       7    0.1131039706E-14 -0.1110223025E-15 -0.6869504965E-15  0.2062972569E-02 -0.4353947758E-11
            0.1908195824E-15  0.1000000000E+01  0.2081668171E-15
       8    0.7977413536E-07  0.4082108936E-06 -0.2926339732E-06  0.4348646443E-11  0.2060738430E-02
            0.1434174187E-05  0.2081668171E-15  0.1000000000E+01
MatrixWrite - After Normalization Franck-Condon overlap (Initial, Ion)
              1                 2                 3                 4                 5
              6                 7                 8
       1   -0.8189105415E+00  0.4946436725E+00  0.2147071348E+00 -0.1748601264E-14 -0.1916670055E-06
           -0.7660992274E-01 -0.2151057110E-14 -0.1182292402E-06
Powers used in the final X interpolation
Interpolation function     1  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    1    1
Interpolation function     2  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    2    1    1
Interpolation function     3  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    2    1
Interpolation function     4  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    1    2
Interpolation function     5  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    3    1    1
Interpolation function     6  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    3    1
Interpolation function     7  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    1    3
Interpolation function     8  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    2    2    1
Interpolation function     9  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    2    1    2
Interpolation function    10  orthog linear funcs pow =    1
   1.0000000000    1    2    2
Number of geometry rays (NSpRay) =    7
cut off for smallest spline sample (RayCut) =  0.10000000E+00
Directions for ray interpolation
    1 -   1.0000  1.0000  1.0000
    2 -   1.0000  0.0000  0.0000
    3 -   0.0000  1.0000  0.0000
    4 -   0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
    5 -  -1.0000  1.0000  1.0000
    6 -   1.0000 -1.0000  1.0000
    7 -   1.0000  1.0000 -1.0000
Interpolation ray     1
    1 x =    -0.1732  Point = -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000
    2 x =    -0.1039  Point = -0.0600 -0.0600 -0.0600
    3 x =    -0.0346  Point = -0.0200 -0.0200 -0.0200
    4 x =     0.0000  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
    5 x =     0.0346  Point =  0.0200  0.0200  0.0200
    6 x =     0.1039  Point =  0.0600  0.0600  0.0600
    7 x =     0.1732  Point =  0.1000  0.1000  0.1000
Interpolation ray     2
    1 x =    -0.1800  Point = -0.1800  0.0000  0.0000
    2 x =    -0.1400  Point = -0.1400  0.0000  0.0000
    3 x =    -0.1000  Point = -0.1000  0.0000  0.0000
    4 x =    -0.0600  Point = -0.0600  0.0000  0.0000
    5 x =    -0.0200  Point = -0.0200  0.0000  0.0000
    6 x =     0.0000  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
    7 x =     0.0200  Point =  0.0200  0.0000  0.0000
    8 x =     0.0600  Point =  0.0600  0.0000  0.0000
    9 x =     0.1000  Point =  0.1000  0.0000  0.0000
   10 x =     0.1400  Point =  0.1400  0.0000  0.0000
   11 x =     0.1800  Point =  0.1800  0.0000  0.0000
Interpolation ray     3
    1 x =    -0.1800  Point =  0.0000 -0.1800  0.0000
    2 x =    -0.1400  Point =  0.0000 -0.1400  0.0000
    3 x =    -0.1000  Point =  0.0000 -0.1000  0.0000
    4 x =    -0.0600  Point =  0.0000 -0.0600  0.0000
    5 x =    -0.0200  Point =  0.0000 -0.0200  0.0000
    6 x =     0.0000  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
    7 x =     0.0200  Point =  0.0000  0.0200  0.0000
    8 x =     0.0600  Point =  0.0000  0.0600  0.0000
    9 x =     0.1000  Point =  0.0000  0.1000  0.0000
   10 x =     0.1400  Point =  0.0000  0.1400  0.0000
   11 x =     0.1800  Point =  0.0000  0.1800  0.0000
Interpolation ray     4
    1 x =    -0.1800  Point =  0.0000  0.0000 -0.1800
    2 x =    -0.1400  Point =  0.0000  0.0000 -0.1400
    3 x =    -0.1000  Point =  0.0000  0.0000 -0.1000
    4 x =    -0.0600  Point =  0.0000  0.0000 -0.0600
    5 x =    -0.0200  Point =  0.0000  0.0000 -0.0200
    6 x =     0.0000  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
    7 x =     0.0200  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.0200
    8 x =     0.0600  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.0600
    9 x =     0.1000  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.1000
   10 x =     0.1400  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.1400
   11 x =     0.1800  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.1800
Interpolation ray     5
    1 x =    -0.1732  Point =  0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000
    2 x =    -0.1039  Point =  0.0600 -0.0600 -0.0600
    3 x =    -0.0346  Point =  0.0200 -0.0200 -0.0200
    4 x =     0.0000  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
    5 x =     0.0346  Point = -0.0200  0.0200  0.0200
    6 x =     0.1039  Point = -0.0600  0.0600  0.0600
    7 x =     0.1732  Point = -0.1000  0.1000  0.1000
Interpolation ray     6
    1 x =    -0.1732  Point = -0.1000  0.1000 -0.1000
    2 x =    -0.1039  Point = -0.0600  0.0600 -0.0600
    3 x =    -0.0346  Point = -0.0200  0.0200 -0.0200
    4 x =     0.0000  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
    5 x =     0.0346  Point =  0.0200 -0.0200  0.0200
    6 x =     0.1039  Point =  0.0600 -0.0600  0.0600
    7 x =     0.1732  Point =  0.1000 -0.1000  0.1000
Interpolation ray     7
    1 x =    -0.1732  Point = -0.1000 -0.1000  0.1000
    2 x =    -0.1039  Point = -0.0600 -0.0600  0.0600
    3 x =    -0.0346  Point = -0.0200 -0.0200  0.0200
    4 x =     0.0000  Point =  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
    5 x =     0.0346  Point =  0.0200  0.0200 -0.0200
    6 x =     0.1039  Point =  0.0600  0.0600 -0.0600
    7 x =     0.1732  Point =  0.1000  0.1000 -0.1000
For geometry     1  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy
Geom is       -0.180000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        30.0420  Delta time =        30.0420 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        30.0422  Delta time =         0.0002 End SelIdy
For geometry     2  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy
Geom is       -0.140000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        31.5545  Delta time =         1.5123 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        31.5547  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry     3  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy
Geom is       -0.100000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        33.2506  Delta time =         1.6959 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        33.2507  Delta time =         0.0002 End SelIdy
For geometry     4  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy
Geom is       -0.060000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        34.8337  Delta time =         1.5830 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        34.8339  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry     5  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy
Geom is       -0.020000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        36.3542  Delta time =         1.5203 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        36.3544  Delta time =         0.0002 End SelIdy
For geometry     6  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy
Geom is        0.020000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        37.8485  Delta time =         1.4941 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        37.8486  Delta time =         0.0002 End SelIdy
For geometry     7  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy
Geom is        0.060000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        39.3238  Delta time =         1.4751 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        39.3239  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry     8  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy
Geom is        0.100000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        40.8153  Delta time =         1.4914 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        40.8154  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry     9  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy
Geom is        0.140000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        42.3467  Delta time =         1.5313 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        42.3468  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    10  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy
Geom is        0.180000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        43.8535  Delta time =         1.5066 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        43.8536  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    11  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy
Geom is        0.000000      -0.180000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        45.3121  Delta time =         1.4585 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        45.3122  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    12  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy
Geom is        0.000000      -0.140000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        46.7780  Delta time =         1.4658 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        46.7782  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    13  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy
Geom is        0.000000      -0.100000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        48.2465  Delta time =         1.4684 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        48.2467  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    14  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy
Geom is        0.000000      -0.060000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        49.7152  Delta time =         1.4685 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        49.7153  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    15  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy
Geom is        0.000000      -0.020000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        51.4186  Delta time =         1.7033 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        51.4187  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    16  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.020000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        52.8773  Delta time =         1.4586 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        52.8774  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    17  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.060000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        54.3414  Delta time =         1.4640 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        54.3415  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    18  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.100000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        55.8101  Delta time =         1.4686 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        55.8102  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    19  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.140000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        57.2799  Delta time =         1.4697 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        57.2800  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    20  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.180000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        58.7477  Delta time =         1.4677 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        58.7478  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    21  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d18.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000      -0.180000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        60.2166  Delta time =         1.4688 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        60.2167  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    22  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d14.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000      -0.140000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        61.6848  Delta time =         1.4681 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        61.6849  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    23  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d10.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000      -0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        63.1545  Delta time =         1.4696 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        63.1547  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    24  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d06.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000      -0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        64.6238  Delta time =         1.4691 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        64.6239  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    25  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMm0d02.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000      -0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        66.0917  Delta time =         1.4678 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        66.0918  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    26  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d02.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000       0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        67.5625  Delta time =         1.4707 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        67.5627  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    27  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d06.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000       0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        69.0322  Delta time =         1.4696 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        69.0324  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    28  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d10.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000       0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        70.5006  Delta time =         1.4682 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        70.5007  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    29  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d14.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000       0.140000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        71.9705  Delta time =         1.4697 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        71.9706  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    30  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiNMp0d18.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000       0.180000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        73.4406  Delta time =         1.4700 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        73.4407  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    31  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d10.idy
Geom is       -0.100000      -0.100000      -0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        74.9732  Delta time =         1.5325 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    15.00000000    20.00000000    25.00000000    30.00000000
    13.00000000    14.00000000    17.50000000    22.50000000    27.50000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    2
    1  Cont Sym A2PP   Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym A2PP
    2  Cont Sym EP     Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym EP
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        74.9733  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    32  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d06.idy
Geom is       -0.060000      -0.060000      -0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        75.0248  Delta time =         0.0515 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    15.00000000    20.00000000    25.00000000    30.00000000
    13.00000000    14.00000000    17.50000000    22.50000000    27.50000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    2
    1  Cont Sym A2PP   Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym A2PP
    2  Cont Sym EP     Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym EP
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        75.0249  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    33  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMm0d02.idy
Geom is       -0.020000      -0.020000      -0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        75.0798  Delta time =         0.0549 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    15.00000000    20.00000000    25.00000000    30.00000000
    13.00000000    14.00000000    17.50000000    22.50000000    27.50000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    2
    1  Cont Sym A2PP   Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym A2PP
    2  Cont Sym EP     Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym EP
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        75.0800  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    34  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d00.idy
Geom is        0.000000       0.000000       0.000000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        75.1574  Delta time =         0.0774 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    15.00000000    20.00000000    25.00000000    30.00000000
    13.00000000    14.00000000    17.50000000    22.50000000    27.50000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    2
    1  Cont Sym A2PP   Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym A2PP
    2  Cont Sym EP     Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym EP
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        75.1575  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    35  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d02.idy
Geom is        0.020000       0.020000       0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        76.6443  Delta time =         1.4868 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    15.00000000    20.00000000    25.00000000    30.00000000
    13.00000000    14.00000000    17.50000000    22.50000000    27.50000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    2
    1  Cont Sym A2PP   Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym A2PP
    2  Cont Sym EP     Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym EP
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        76.6444  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    36  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d06.idy
Geom is        0.060000       0.060000       0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        78.1182  Delta time =         1.4737 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    15.00000000    20.00000000    25.00000000    30.00000000
    13.00000000    14.00000000    17.50000000    22.50000000    27.50000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    2
    1  Cont Sym A2PP   Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym A2PP
    2  Cont Sym EP     Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym EP
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        78.1183  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    37  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiSMp0d10.idy
Geom is        0.100000       0.100000       0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        79.6071  Delta time =         1.4888 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    15.00000000    20.00000000    25.00000000    30.00000000
    13.00000000    14.00000000    17.50000000    22.50000000    27.50000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    2
    1  Cont Sym A2PP   Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym A2PP
    2  Cont Sym EP     Targ Sym A1P    Total Sym EP
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        79.6073  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    38  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy
Geom is       -0.100000      -0.100000       0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        81.1494  Delta time =         1.5422 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        81.1496  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    39  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy
Geom is       -0.060000      -0.060000       0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        82.6480  Delta time =         1.4984 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        82.6481  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    40  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy
Geom is       -0.020000      -0.020000       0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        84.1396  Delta time =         1.4915 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        84.1398  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    41  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy
Geom is        0.020000       0.020000      -0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        85.6188  Delta time =         1.4791 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        85.6189  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    42  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy
Geom is        0.060000       0.060000      -0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        87.1156  Delta time =         1.4967 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        87.1157  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    43  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy
Geom is        0.100000       0.100000      -0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        88.6271  Delta time =         1.5114 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        88.6272  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    44  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy
Geom is       -0.100000       0.100000      -0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        90.0864  Delta time =         1.4592 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        90.0866  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    45  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy
Geom is       -0.060000       0.060000      -0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        91.5504  Delta time =         1.4638 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        91.5505  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    46  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy
Geom is       -0.020000       0.020000      -0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        93.0189  Delta time =         1.4684 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        93.0190  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    47  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy
Geom is        0.020000      -0.020000       0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        94.4874  Delta time =         1.4683 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        94.4875  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    48  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy
Geom is        0.060000      -0.060000       0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        95.9570  Delta time =         1.4695 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        95.9571  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    49  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy
Geom is        0.100000      -0.100000       0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        97.4249  Delta time =         1.4678 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        97.4250  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    50  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d10.idy
Geom is        0.100000      -0.100000      -0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =        98.8937  Delta time =         1.4687 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =        98.8938  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    51  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d06.idy
Geom is        0.060000      -0.060000      -0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =       100.3623  Delta time =         1.4684 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =       100.3624  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    52  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMm0d02.idy
Geom is        0.020000      -0.020000      -0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =       101.8311  Delta time =         1.4687 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =       101.8312  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    53  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d02.idy
Geom is       -0.020000       0.020000       0.020000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =       103.2998  Delta time =         1.4686 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =       103.2999  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    54  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d06.idy
Geom is       -0.060000       0.060000       0.060000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =       104.7709  Delta time =         1.4710 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =       104.7710  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
For geometry    55  taking dipole matrix from file /global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test33.d/phiTMp0d10.idy
Geom is       -0.100000       0.100000       0.100000

CnvIdy - read in and convert dynamical matrix elements and convert to raw form

Time Now =       106.2379  Delta time =         1.4668 End CnvIdy
Found    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
List of matrix element types found   Number =    3
    1  Cont Sym A1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym A1
    2  Cont Sym B1     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B1
    3  Cont Sym B2     Targ Sym A1     Total Sym B2
Keeping    21 energies :
     1.00000000     2.00000000     3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000     6.00000000     7.00000000     8.00000000
     9.00000000    10.00000000    11.00000000    12.00000000    13.00000000    14.00000000    15.00000000    17.50000000
    20.00000000    22.50000000    25.00000000    27.50000000    30.00000000
Time Now =       106.2380  Delta time =         0.0001 End SelIdy
Energies to be used in VibAve are:
  0.10000000E+01  0.20000000E+01  0.30000000E+01  0.40000000E+01  0.50000000E+01
  0.60000000E+01  0.70000000E+01  0.80000000E+01  0.90000000E+01  0.10000000E+02
  0.11000000E+02  0.12000000E+02  0.13000000E+02  0.14000000E+02  0.15000000E+02
  0.17500000E+02  0.20000000E+02  0.22500000E+02  0.25000000E+02  0.27500000E+02
LMaxIdy =   12  nrdimTarg =    1  NumXVTotal =    55  NEngUse =   21
Size of RawIdyMu =   2252250
Found   520 non-zero raw matrix elements that need to be interpolated
Number of points    X, EeV =      55      21
Number of functions X, EeV =      16       4
FitStepNow =  1  nparmDenom =    6  nparmNumer =   20
Linear Dependence     2 is =  0.10000000E+01
 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     3 is =  0.69860905E+00
 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     4 is =  0.65019404E+00
-0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     5 is =  0.72922614E+00
 0.0000000000-0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     2 is =  0.10000000E+01
 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     3 is =  0.69860905E+00
 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     4 is =  0.65019404E+00
-0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     5 is =  0.72922614E+00
 0.0000000000-0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     2 is =  0.10000000E+01
 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     3 is =  0.69860905E+00
 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     4 is =  0.65019404E+00
-0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     5 is =  0.72922614E+00
 0.0000000000-0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     2 is =  0.22536254E+00
-0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     3 is =  0.21503782E+00
-0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Linear Dependence     4 is =  0.18993253E+00
-0.0000000000-0.0000000000-0.0000000000 1.0000000000
Orthogonalization transformation of linear interpolation functions
NormMax =  0.14553102E+02
Function     1 UPoly is
Function     2 UPoly is
        0.00000        8.09067
Function     3 UPoly is
        0.00000       -0.00000        8.09067
Function     4 UPoly is
        0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000        8.09067
Function     5 UPoly is
        5.10956        0.00000       -0.00000       -0.00000        7.91510
Function     6 UPoly is
        5.43062       -0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000        0.48264
Function     7 UPoly is
        5.79475       -0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000        0.51500
        0.51500        7.94651
Function     8 UPoly is
       -0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000
       -0.00000       -0.00000       14.55310
Function     9 UPoly is
        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
       -0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000       14.55310
Function    10 UPoly is
        0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000
        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000       14.55310
Function    11 UPoly is
        0.00000        5.32420       -0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000
        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000
Function    12 UPoly is
       -0.00000       -0.00000        5.32420        0.00000       -0.00000
       -0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000
       -0.00000        7.39304
Function    13 UPoly is
       -0.00000       -0.00000       -0.00000        5.32420       -0.00000
       -0.00000       -0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
       -0.00000       -0.00000        7.39304
Function    14 UPoly is
       -0.00000       -0.00000       21.09934        0.00000       -0.00000
       -0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000
       -0.00000        4.80286        0.00000       12.46435
Function    15 UPoly is
       -0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000       21.09934       -0.00000
       -0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
       -0.00000       -0.00000        4.80286        0.00000       12.46435
Function    16 UPoly is
       -0.00000       21.09934       -0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
       -0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000
        4.80286       -0.00000        0.00000       -0.00000        0.00000
Energies to write out (in eV)     3
       1.000000      14.750000      28.500000
Num_IdyStand =     520 X_nTotal =    4096
Linear fit RMS =  0.23048123E-01  RMSRel =  0.78371404E-01
Initial Parameters
    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01
    0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01
   -0.1364901543E+02  -0.2546985586E+01
    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8041253604E+01  -0.2524387281E+01
    0.1134731500E+02   0.1510723883E+01
    0.1364901543E+02   0.2546985586E+01
 numfe =       1
 aval =   0.1952830088E+08
 grad =
    0.9835132713E+05  -0.2195552631E+06   0.4513750993E+05   0.4565978977E+05
   -0.3969018046E+05  -0.7376726646E+05
 precision error in aval =   0.6459817132E-03
numfe =       2 rclsx =   0.3000000000E+02  atrcl = 1
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.3428648045E+03
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1945334745E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1952830088E+08   0.1951497082E+08   0.1951480113E+08
 grad =
    0.7219486192E+05  -0.2147667678E+06   0.3891185430E+05   0.4299307109E+05
   -0.3238340373E+05  -0.6923593105E+05
 precision error in aval =   0.6451811373E-03
 xn =
   -0.8044627788E+01  -0.2515719592E+01   0.1127598063E+02   0.1437515526E+01
   -0.1361958702E+02  -0.2490669851E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.4845912478E-01
 ratioa =   0.1012729179E+01
numfe =       3 rclsx =   0.6000000000E+02  atrcl = 1
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.3214400527E+03
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1945005688E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1951480113E+08   0.1949197114E+08   0.1949127620E+08
 grad =
    0.3196580036E+05  -0.1982563894E+06   0.2777354652E+05   0.3742622835E+05
   -0.2047223370E+05  -0.6043376938E+05
 precision error in aval =   0.6435563797E-03
 xn =
   -0.8049380201E+01  -0.2496150684E+01   0.1114483403E+02   0.1288288923E+01
   -0.1356860583E+02  -0.2374759997E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.1038086892E+00
 ratioa =   0.1030439578E+01
numfe =       4 rclsx =   0.1200000000E+03  atrcl = 1
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.2770953330E+03
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1944426342E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1949127620E+08   0.1945894901E+08   0.1945627446E+08
 grad =
   -0.5143390958E+04  -0.1381117105E+06   0.1103053096E+05   0.2568581899E+05
   -0.6368482815E+04  -0.4347797785E+05
 precision error in aval =   0.6406895382E-03
 xn =
   -0.8051772973E+01  -0.2448690570E+01   0.1093948557E+02   0.9938371077E+00
   -0.1349510769E+02  -0.2130920718E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.2285603876E+00
 ratioa =   0.1082733769E+01
numfe =       5 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.1839037645E+03
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1943563910E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1945627446E+08   0.1943563910E+08   0.1943077131E+08
 grad =
    0.1377584253E+04   0.5589643682E+04  -0.1094822791E+03   0.9888180791E+04
   -0.4120684915E+03  -0.1412286854E+05
 precision error in aval =   0.6377193241E-03
 xn =
   -0.8045490609E+01  -0.2361923194E+01   0.1081356199E+02   0.6394715127E+00
   -0.1342752446E+02  -0.1709253287E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.3565630547E+00
 ratioa =   0.1235895354E+01
numfe =       6 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.3964736091E+02
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1942947349E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1943077131E+08   0.1942947349E+08   0.1942906669E+08
 grad =
    0.3017909649E+04   0.8772303786E+04   0.6097001434E+03   0.3235724844E+04
   -0.7605231909E+03  -0.4806898916E+04
 precision error in aval =   0.6367191038E-03
 xn =
   -0.8046417107E+01  -0.2353683978E+01   0.1082601130E+02   0.5145368607E+00
   -0.1341805502E+02  -0.1610139414E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.1953717242E+00
 ratioa =   0.1313451840E+01
numfe =       7 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.1188374482E+02
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1942892825E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1942906669E+08   0.1942892825E+08   0.1942888055E+08
 grad =
    0.5979515331E+03   0.4395662416E+04   0.2400094497E+03   0.1150729842E+04
   -0.4910553161E+02  -0.1678240192E+04
 precision error in aval =   0.6363670503E-03
 xn =
   -0.8047124952E+01  -0.2353274481E+01   0.1082259613E+02   0.4734196480E+00
   -0.1341212224E+02  -0.1581284385E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.7991111191E-01
 ratioa =   0.1344535332E+01
numfe =       8 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.3969096622E+01
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1942886356E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1942888055E+08   0.1942886356E+08   0.1942885751E+08
 grad =
    0.3558749867E+03   0.1775857229E+04   0.1211898100E+03   0.4024153932E+03
   -0.1571927930E+02  -0.5933148224E+03
 precision error in aval =   0.6362433911E-03
 xn =
   -0.8047358439E+01  -0.2353587296E+01   0.1082104687E+02   0.4590036390E+00
   -0.1341135319E+02  -0.1572065036E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.3045080423E-01
 ratioa =   0.1356073989E+01
numfe =       9 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.1392433054E+01
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1942885533E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1942885751E+08   0.1942885533E+08   0.1942885454E+08
 grad =
    0.1063913523E+03   0.6828743258E+03   0.4680088818E+02   0.1457194836E+03
    0.6100657540E+01  -0.2108844723E+03
 precision error in aval =   0.6361991601E-03
 xn =
   -0.8047487877E+01  -0.2353771481E+01   0.1082004616E+02   0.4539598281E+00
   -0.1341119660E+02  -0.1568968803E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.1098860762E-01
 ratioa =   0.1360456587E+01
numfe =      10 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.4975094463E+00
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1942885425E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1942885454E+08   0.1942885425E+08   0.1942885415E+08
 grad =
    0.4467875708E+02   0.2536881524E+03   0.1868044790E+02   0.5247682877E+02
    0.2654071223E+01  -0.7542742625E+02
 precision error in aval =   0.6361833374E-03
 xn =
   -0.8047534588E+01  -0.2353854043E+01   0.1081964103E+02   0.4521435721E+00
   -0.1341121387E+02  -0.1567904127E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.4000917853E-02
 ratioa =   0.1362077064E+01
numfe =      11 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.1794751289E+00
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1942885411E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1942885415E+08   0.1942885411E+08   0.1942885410E+08
 grad =
    0.1530992183E+02   0.9341457748E+02   0.6946339157E+01   0.1909199716E+02
    0.1522053402E+01  -0.2707774218E+02
 precision error in aval =   0.6361776325E-03
 xn =
   -0.8047553720E+01  -0.2353886608E+01   0.1081947161E+02   0.4514895616E+00
   -0.1341122796E+02  -0.1567530767E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.1446466638E-02
 ratioa =   0.1362670255E+01
numfe =      12 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.6494576234E-01
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1942885410E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1942885410E+08   0.1942885410E+08   0.1942885409E+08
 grad =
    0.5831971814E+01   0.3410377871E+02   0.2603084003E+01   0.6926509516E+01
    0.5828662838E+00  -0.9755033392E+01
 precision error in aval =   0.6361755739E-03
 xn =
   -0.8047560709E+01  -0.2353899056E+01   0.1081940762E+02   0.4512520489E+00
   -0.1341123666E+02  -0.1567398456E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.5260646226E-03
 ratioa =   0.1362890501E+01
numfe =      13 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.2354925548E-01
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1942885409E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1942885409E+08   0.1942885409E+08   0.1942885409E+08
 grad =
    0.2082416568E+01   0.1242644641E+02   0.9541634258E+00   0.2519454503E+01
    0.2380222376E+00  -0.3522069325E+01
 precision error in aval =   0.6361748289E-03
 xn =
   -0.8047563352E+01  -0.2353903682E+01   0.1081938330E+02   0.4511658779E+00
   -0.1341124023E+02  -0.1567351160E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.1909597135E-03
 ratioa =   0.1363120339E+01
numfe =      14 rclsx =   0.2400000000E+03  atrcl = 0
 estimated 0.0_XR at rzero =   0.8543532173E-02
 value of sum of squares at rzero =   0.1942885409E+08
 sval,eval,aval =   0.1942885409E+08   0.1942885409E+08   0.1942885409E+08
 grad =
    0.7686253679E+00   0.4517302828E+01   0.3503706556E+00   0.9151846526E+00
    0.8832610964E-01  -0.1273945039E+01
 precision error in aval =   0.6361745590E-03
 xn =
   -0.8047564317E+01  -0.2353905389E+01   0.1081937433E+02   0.4511345505E+00
   -0.1341124171E+02  -0.1567334171E+01
 maximum relative change in parameters (xdx) =   0.6943645324E-04
 convergence because estimated lowering  is less than avaiable precision
Parameters at FitStepNow =    1
    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8047564317E+01  -0.2353905389E+01
    0.1081937433E+02   0.4511345505E+00
   -0.1341124171E+02  -0.1567334171E+01
    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8047564317E+01  -0.2353905389E+01
    0.1081937433E+02   0.4511345505E+00
    0.1341124171E+02   0.1567334171E+01
FitStepNow =    1  Fit RMS =  0.50762478E+01  EPS =  0.60000000E-02
After non-linear fit FitStepNow =    1
Optimum Parameters
    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8047564317E+01  -0.2353905389E+01
    0.1081937433E+02   0.4511345505E+00
   -0.1341124171E+02  -0.1567334171E+01
    0.1000000000E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   -0.8047564317E+01  -0.2353905389E+01
    0.1081937433E+02   0.4511345505E+00
    0.1341124171E+02   0.1567334171E+01
Cross Sections for v_Ini =   1        0.00 v_Ion =   1        0.00

     Sigma LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.68302460E+00
    36.2500  0.21680251E+01
    50.0000  0.23666768E+01

     Sigma MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.58543908E+00
    36.2500  0.19054388E+01
    50.0000  0.20277375E+01

     Sigma VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.50433285E+00
    36.2500  0.16791760E+01
    50.0000  0.17417234E+01

     Beta LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.14673329E+01
    36.2500  0.72790285E+00
    50.0000  0.10645929E+01

     Beta MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.14705095E+01
    36.2500  0.74109937E+00
    50.0000  0.10647237E+01

     Beta VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.14758052E+01
    36.2500  0.75336740E+00
    50.0000  0.10636613E+01

EPhi     22.5000     0.6830     0.5854     0.5043     1.4673     1.4705     1.4758
EPhi     36.2500     2.1680     1.9054     1.6792     0.7279     0.7411     0.7534
EPhi     50.0000     2.3667     2.0277     1.7417     1.0646     1.0647     1.0637
Cross Sections for v_Ini =   1        0.00 v_Ion =   2      827.97

     Sigma LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.27851815E+00
    36.2500  0.73984498E+00
    50.0000  0.85184930E+00

     Sigma MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.24107851E+00
    36.2500  0.65562187E+00
    50.0000  0.73499239E+00

     Sigma VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.20931194E+00
    36.2500  0.58255024E+00
    50.0000  0.63559571E+00

     Beta LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.15040913E+01
    36.2500  0.69304179E+00
    50.0000  0.10822904E+01

     Beta MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.15088056E+01
    36.2500  0.70352493E+00
    50.0000  0.10814234E+01

     Beta VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.15146709E+01
    36.2500  0.71339672E+00
    50.0000  0.10794582E+01

EPhi     22.5000     0.2785     0.2411     0.2093     1.5041     1.5088     1.5147
EPhi     36.2500     0.7398     0.6556     0.5826     0.6930     0.7035     0.7134
EPhi     50.0000     0.8518     0.7350     0.6356     1.0823     1.0814     1.0795
Cross Sections for v_Ini =   1        0.00 v_Ion =   3     1652.01

     Sigma LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.60552259E-01
    36.2500  0.13421971E+00
    50.0000  0.15946541E+00

     Sigma MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.52777038E-01
    36.2500  0.11955467E+00
    50.0000  0.13831770E+00

     Sigma VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.46111797E-01
    36.2500  0.10678068E+00
    50.0000  0.12022017E+00

     Beta LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.14995129E+01
    36.2500  0.64352788E+00
    50.0000  0.10987597E+01

     Beta MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.15033403E+01
    36.2500  0.65075397E+00
    50.0000  0.10967161E+01

     Beta VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.15081080E+01
    36.2500  0.65774951E+00
    50.0000  0.10936516E+01

EPhi     22.5000     0.0606     0.0528     0.0461     1.4995     1.5033     1.5081
EPhi     36.2500     0.1342     0.1196     0.1068     0.6435     0.6508     0.6577
EPhi     50.0000     0.1595     0.1383     0.1202     1.0988     1.0967     1.0937
Cross Sections for v_Ini =   1        0.00 v_Ion =   4     2021.02

     Sigma LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.73779975E-01
    36.2500  0.17784787E+00
    50.0000  0.99075542E-01

     Sigma MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.67836472E-01
    36.2500  0.16076662E+00
    50.0000  0.86911902E-01

     Sigma VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.62693266E-01
    36.2500  0.14555362E+00
    50.0000  0.76498647E-01

     Beta LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000 -0.64369390E+00
    36.2500  0.87200538E+00
    50.0000  0.11208014E+01

     Beta MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000 -0.62516561E+00
    36.2500  0.86331755E+00
    50.0000  0.11137625E+01

     Beta VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000 -0.59578064E+00
    36.2500  0.85402666E+00
    50.0000  0.11052906E+01

EPhi     22.5000     0.0738     0.0678     0.0627    -0.6437    -0.6252    -0.5958
EPhi     36.2500     0.1778     0.1608     0.1456     0.8720     0.8633     0.8540
EPhi     50.0000     0.0991     0.0869     0.0765     1.1208     1.1138     1.1053
Cross Sections for v_Ini =   1        0.00 v_Ion =   5     2021.02

     Sigma LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.73779769E-01
    36.2500  0.17784744E+00
    50.0000  0.99075304E-01

     Sigma MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.67836287E-01
    36.2500  0.16076623E+00
    50.0000  0.86911697E-01

     Sigma VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.62693098E-01
    36.2500  0.14555328E+00
    50.0000  0.76498470E-01

     Beta LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000 -0.64369409E+00
    36.2500  0.87200529E+00
    50.0000  0.11208013E+01

     Beta MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000 -0.62516583E+00
    36.2500  0.86331745E+00
    50.0000  0.11137624E+01

     Beta VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000 -0.59578089E+00
    36.2500  0.85402654E+00
    50.0000  0.11052905E+01

EPhi     22.5000     0.0738     0.0678     0.0627    -0.6437    -0.6252    -0.5958
EPhi     36.2500     0.1778     0.1608     0.1456     0.8720     0.8633     0.8540
EPhi     50.0000     0.0991     0.0869     0.0765     1.1208     1.1138     1.1053
Cross Sections for v_Ini =   1        0.00 v_Ion =   6     2472.21

     Sigma LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.92435497E-02
    36.2500  0.17745754E-01
    50.0000  0.20664903E-01

     Sigma MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.80544749E-02
    36.2500  0.15778928E-01
    50.0000  0.17950300E-01

     Sigma VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.70413965E-02
    36.2500  0.14067304E-01
    50.0000  0.15621962E-01

     Beta LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.14221602E+01
    36.2500  0.54916657E+00
    50.0000  0.11123527E+01

     Beta MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.14187910E+01
    36.2500  0.55303847E+00
    50.0000  0.11085072E+01

     Beta VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.14169530E+01
    36.2500  0.55702686E+00
    50.0000  0.11036915E+01

EPhi     22.5000     0.0092     0.0081     0.0070     1.4222     1.4188     1.4170
EPhi     36.2500     0.0177     0.0158     0.0141     0.5492     0.5530     0.5570
EPhi     50.0000     0.0207     0.0180     0.0156     1.1124     1.1085     1.1037
Cross Sections for v_Ini =   1        0.00 v_Ion =   7     2837.76

     Sigma LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.45011432E-01
    36.2500  0.11711720E+00
    50.0000  0.64354661E-01

     Sigma MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.41298433E-01
    36.2500  0.10580388E+00
    50.0000  0.56433080E-01

     Sigma VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.38129812E-01
    36.2500  0.95740449E-01
    50.0000  0.49658367E-01

     Beta LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000 -0.58412524E+00
    36.2500  0.81977945E+00
    50.0000  0.11490789E+01

     Beta MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000 -0.56512191E+00
    36.2500  0.81106308E+00
    50.0000  0.11407502E+01

     Beta VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000 -0.53297416E+00
    36.2500  0.80193922E+00
    50.0000  0.11309342E+01

EPhi     22.5000     0.0450     0.0413     0.0381    -0.5841    -0.5651    -0.5330
EPhi     36.2500     0.1171     0.1058     0.0957     0.8198     0.8111     0.8019
EPhi     50.0000     0.0644     0.0564     0.0497     1.1491     1.1408     1.1309
Cross Sections for v_Ini =   1        0.00 v_Ion =   8     2837.76

     Sigma LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000  0.45011076E-01
    36.2500  0.11711642E+00
    50.0000  0.64354237E-01

     Sigma MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000  0.41298108E-01
    36.2500  0.10580319E+00
    50.0000  0.56432711E-01

     Sigma VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000  0.38129514E-01
    36.2500  0.95739826E-01
    50.0000  0.49658045E-01

     Beta LENGTH   at all energies
    22.5000 -0.58412541E+00
    36.2500  0.81977906E+00
    50.0000  0.11490789E+01

     Beta MIXED    at all energies
    22.5000 -0.56512213E+00
    36.2500  0.81106266E+00
    50.0000  0.11407502E+01

     Beta VELOCITY at all energies
    22.5000 -0.53297445E+00
    36.2500  0.80193876E+00
    50.0000  0.11309341E+01

EPhi     22.5000     0.0450     0.0413     0.0381    -0.5841    -0.5651    -0.5330
EPhi     36.2500     0.1171     0.1058     0.0957     0.8198     0.8111     0.8019
EPhi     50.0000     0.0644     0.0564     0.0497     1.1491     1.1408     1.1309
Time Now =       283.0897  Delta time =       176.8517 Finalize