Execution on n0155.lr6

ePolyScat Version E3

Authors: R. R. Lucchese, N. Sanna, A. P. P. Natalense, and F. A. Gianturco
Please cite the following two papers when reporting results obtained with  this program
F. A. Gianturco, R. R. Lucchese, and N. Sanna, J. Chem. Phys. 100, 6464 (1994).
A. P. P. Natalense and R. R. Lucchese, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 5344 (1999).


Starting at 2022-01-14  17:34:41.599 (GMT -0800)
Using    20 processors
Current git commit sha-1 836b26dfd5ffae0073e0f736b518bccf827345c3


+ Start of Input Records
# input file for test24
# Electron scattering from SF6 with orthogonality constraints
 LMax   15     # maximum l to be used for wave functions
 LMaxI  40     # maximum l value used to determine numerical angular grids
 EMax  50.0    # EMax, maximum asymptotic energy in eV
  EngForm      # Energy formulas
   0 2
   2.0 -1.0 1   # orbital occupation and coefficient for the K operators
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
   2.0 -1.0 1
  VCorr 'PZ'
 0.15   # SwitchD, distance where switching function is down to 0.1
 7     # nterm, number of terms needed to define asymptotic potential
 1     # center for polarization term 1 is for C atom
 1     # ittyp type of polarization term, = 1 for spherically symmetric
       # = 2 for reading in the full tensor
16.198 # value of the spherical polarizability
 2     # center for polarization term 1 is for C atom
 1     # ittyp type of polarization term, = 1 for spherically symmetric
       # = 2 for reading in the full tensor
 4.656 # value of the spherical polarizability
 3     # center for polarization term 1 is for C atom
 1     # ittyp type of polarization term, = 1 for spherically symmetric
       # = 2 for reading in the full tensor
 4.656 # value of the spherical polarizability
 4     # center for polarization term 1 is for C atom
 1     # ittyp type of polarization term, = 1 for spherically symmetric
       # = 2 for reading in the full tensor
 4.656 # value of the spherical polarizability
 5     # center for polarization term 1 is for C atom
 1     # ittyp type of polarization term, = 1 for spherically symmetric
       # = 2 for reading in the full tensor
 4.656 # value of the spherical polarizability
 6     # center for polarization term 1 is for C atom
 1     # ittyp type of polarization term, = 1 for spherically symmetric
       # = 2 for reading in the full tensor
 4.656 # value of the spherical polarizability
 7     # center for polarization term 1 is for C atom
 1     # ittyp type of polarization term, = 1 for spherically symmetric
       # = 2 for reading in the full tensor
 4.656 # value of the spherical polarizability
 3     # icrtyp, flag to determine where r match is, 3 for second crossing
       # or at nearest approach
 0     # ilntyp, flag to determine what matching line is used, 0 - use
       # l = 0 radial function as matching function
 ScatEng 1.0      # list of scattering energies
 FegeEng 13.29   # Energy correction used in the fege potential
 LMaxK   10    # Maximum l in the K matirx
Convert '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test24.g03' 'gaussian'
 ScatContSym 'A1G'  # Scattering symmetry
 ScatContSym 'T1G'  # Scattering symmetry
GrnType  1     # type of Green function (0 -> K matrix, 1 -> T matrix)
 ScatContSym 'A1G'  # Scattering symmetry
 ScatContSym 'T1G'  # Scattering symmetry
+ End of input reached
+ Data Record LMax - 15
+ Data Record LMaxI - 40
+ Data Record EMax - 50.0
+ Data Record EngForm
+ 0 2 / 16 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1
+ 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1 / 2.0 -1.0 1
+ Data Record VCorr - 'PZ'
+ Data Record AsyPol
+ 0.15 / 7 / 1 / 1 / 16.198 / 2 / 1 / 4.656 / 3 / 1 / 4.656 / 4 / 1 / 4.656 / 5 / 1 / 4.656 / 6 / 1 / 4.656 / 7 / 1
+ 4.656 / 3 / 0
+ Data Record ScatEng - 1.0
+ Data Record FegeEng - 13.29
+ Data Record LMaxK - 10

+ Command Convert
+ '/global/home/users/rlucchese/Applications/ePolyScat/tests/test24.g03' 'gaussian'

GaussianCnv - read input from Gaussian output

Conversion using g03
Changing the conversion factor for Bohr to Angstroms
New Value is  0.5291772083000000
Expansion center is (in Angstroms) -
     0.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000
Command line = # RHF/6-311G(2D,2P) 6D 10F SCF=TIGHT GFINPUT PUNCH=MO
CardFlag =    T
Normal Mode flag =    F
Selecting orbitals
from     1  to    35  number already selected     0
Number of orbitals selected is    35
Highest orbital read in is =   35
Time Now =         0.0182  Delta time =         0.0182 End GaussianCnv

Atoms found    7  Coordinates in Angstroms
Z = 16 ZS = 16 r =   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000
Z =  9 ZS =  9 r =   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.5602260000
Z =  9 ZS =  9 r =   0.0000000000   1.5602260000   0.0000000000
Z =  9 ZS =  9 r =  -1.5602260000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000
Z =  9 ZS =  9 r =   1.5602260000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000
Z =  9 ZS =  9 r =   0.0000000000  -1.5602260000   0.0000000000
Z =  9 ZS =  9 r =   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  -1.5602260000
Maximum distance from expansion center is    1.5602260000

+ Command GetBlms

GetPGroup - determine point group from geometry

Found point group  Oh
Reduce angular grid using nthd =  2  nphid =  4
Found point group for abelian subgroup D2h
Time Now =         0.0454  Delta time =         0.0273 End GetPGroup
List of unique axes
  N  Vector                      Z   R
  1  0.00000  0.00000  1.00000   9  1.56023   9  1.56023
  2  0.00000  1.00000  0.00000   9  1.56023   9  1.56023
  3 -1.00000  0.00000  0.00000   9  1.56023   9  1.56023
List of corresponding x axes
  N  Vector
  1  1.00000  0.00000  0.00000
  2  1.00000  0.00000  0.00000
  3  0.00000  1.00000  0.00000
Computed default value of LMaxA =   14
Determining angular grid in GetAxMax  LMax =   15  LMaxA =   14  LMaxAb =   30
MMax =    3  MMaxAbFlag =    1
For axis     1  mvals:
   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14   3
For axis     2  mvals:
  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1   3
For axis     3  mvals:
  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1   3
On the double L grid used for products
For axis     1  mvals:
   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30
For axis     2  mvals:
  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1
  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1
For axis     3  mvals:
  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1
  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1

SymGen - generate symmetry adapted functions

Point group is Oh
LMax    15
 The dimension of each irreducable representation is
    A1G   (  1)    A2G   (  1)    EG    (  2)    T1G   (  3)    T2G   (  3)
    A1U   (  1)    A2U   (  1)    EU    (  2)    T1U   (  3)    T2U   (  3)
 Number of symmetry operations in the abelian subgroup (excluding E) =    7
 The operations are -
    16    19    24     2     4     3     5
  Rep  Component  Sym Num  Num Found  Eigenvalues of abelian sub-group
 A1G       1         1          8       1  1  1  1  1  1  1
 A2G       1         2          4       1  1  1  1  1  1  1
 EG        1         3         12       1  1  1  1  1  1  1
 EG        2         4         12       1  1  1  1  1  1  1
 T1G       1         5         12      -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1  1
 T1G       2         6         12      -1  1 -1  1 -1  1 -1
 T1G       3         7         12       1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1
 T2G       1         8         16      -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1  1
 T2G       2         9         16      -1  1 -1  1 -1  1 -1
 T2G       3        10         16       1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1
 A1U       1        11          2       1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 A2U       1        12          6       1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 EU        1        13          8       1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 EU        2        14          8       1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 T1U       1        15         19      -1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1
 T1U       2        16         19      -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1
 T1U       3        17         19       1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1
 T2U       1        18         15      -1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1
 T2U       2        19         15      -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1
 T2U       3        20         15       1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1
Time Now =         0.3377  Delta time =         0.2923 End SymGen
Number of partial waves for each l in the full symmetry up to LMaxA
A1G   1    0(   1)    1(   1)    2(   1)    3(   1)    4(   2)    5(   2)    6(   3)    7(   3)    8(   4)    9(   4)
          10(   5)   11(   5)   12(   7)   13(   7)   14(   8)
A2G   1    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   0)    4(   0)    5(   0)    6(   1)    7(   1)    8(   1)    9(   1)
          10(   2)   11(   2)   12(   3)   13(   3)   14(   4)
EG    1    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   1)    3(   1)    4(   2)    5(   2)    6(   3)    7(   3)    8(   5)    9(   5)
          10(   7)   11(   7)   12(   9)   13(   9)   14(  12)
EG    2    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   1)    3(   1)    4(   2)    5(   2)    6(   3)    7(   3)    8(   5)    9(   5)
          10(   7)   11(   7)   12(   9)   13(   9)   14(  12)
T1G   1    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   0)    4(   1)    5(   1)    6(   2)    7(   2)    8(   4)    9(   4)
          10(   6)   11(   6)   12(   9)   13(   9)   14(  12)
T1G   2    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   0)    4(   1)    5(   1)    6(   2)    7(   2)    8(   4)    9(   4)
          10(   6)   11(   6)   12(   9)   13(   9)   14(  12)
T1G   3    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   0)    4(   1)    5(   1)    6(   2)    7(   2)    8(   4)    9(   4)
          10(   6)   11(   6)   12(   9)   13(   9)   14(  12)
T2G   1    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   1)    3(   1)    4(   2)    5(   2)    6(   4)    7(   4)    8(   6)    9(   6)
          10(   9)   11(   9)   12(  12)   13(  12)   14(  16)
T2G   2    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   1)    3(   1)    4(   2)    5(   2)    6(   4)    7(   4)    8(   6)    9(   6)
          10(   9)   11(   9)   12(  12)   13(  12)   14(  16)
T2G   3    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   1)    3(   1)    4(   2)    5(   2)    6(   4)    7(   4)    8(   6)    9(   6)
          10(   9)   11(   9)   12(  12)   13(  12)   14(  16)
A1U   1    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   0)    4(   0)    5(   0)    6(   0)    7(   0)    8(   0)    9(   1)
          10(   1)   11(   1)   12(   1)   13(   2)   14(   2)
A2U   1    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   1)    4(   1)    5(   1)    6(   1)    7(   2)    8(   2)    9(   3)
          10(   3)   11(   4)   12(   4)   13(   5)   14(   5)
EU    1    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   0)    4(   0)    5(   1)    6(   1)    7(   2)    8(   2)    9(   3)
          10(   3)   11(   5)   12(   5)   13(   7)   14(   7)
EU    2    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   0)    4(   0)    5(   1)    6(   1)    7(   2)    8(   2)    9(   3)
          10(   3)   11(   5)   12(   5)   13(   7)   14(   7)
T1U   1    0(   0)    1(   1)    2(   1)    3(   2)    4(   2)    5(   4)    6(   4)    7(   6)    8(   6)    9(   9)
          10(   9)   11(  12)   12(  12)   13(  16)   14(  16)
T1U   2    0(   0)    1(   1)    2(   1)    3(   2)    4(   2)    5(   4)    6(   4)    7(   6)    8(   6)    9(   9)
          10(   9)   11(  12)   12(  12)   13(  16)   14(  16)
T1U   3    0(   0)    1(   1)    2(   1)    3(   2)    4(   2)    5(   4)    6(   4)    7(   6)    8(   6)    9(   9)
          10(   9)   11(  12)   12(  12)   13(  16)   14(  16)
T2U   1    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   1)    4(   1)    5(   2)    6(   2)    7(   4)    8(   4)    9(   6)
          10(   6)   11(   9)   12(   9)   13(  12)   14(  12)
T2U   2    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   1)    4(   1)    5(   2)    6(   2)    7(   4)    8(   4)    9(   6)
          10(   6)   11(   9)   12(   9)   13(  12)   14(  12)
T2U   3    0(   0)    1(   0)    2(   0)    3(   1)    4(   1)    5(   2)    6(   2)    7(   4)    8(   4)    9(   6)
          10(   6)   11(   9)   12(   9)   13(  12)   14(  12)

SymGen - generate symmetry adapted functions

Point group is D2h
LMax    30
 The dimension of each irreducable representation is
    AG    (  1)    B1G   (  1)    B2G   (  1)    B3G   (  1)    AU    (  1)
    B1U   (  1)    B2U   (  1)    B3U   (  1)
Abelian axes
    1       1.000000       0.000000       0.000000
    2       0.000000       1.000000       0.000000
    3       0.000000       0.000000       1.000000
Symmetry operation directions
  1       0.000000       0.000000       1.000000 ang =  0  1 type = 0 axis = 3
  2       0.000000       1.000000       0.000000 ang =  1  2 type = 2 axis = 2
  3       1.000000       0.000000       0.000000 ang =  1  2 type = 2 axis = 1
  4       0.000000       0.000000       1.000000 ang =  1  2 type = 2 axis = 3
  5       0.000000       0.000000       1.000000 ang =  1  2 type = 3 axis = 3
  6       0.000000       1.000000       0.000000 ang =  0  1 type = 1 axis = 2
  7       1.000000       0.000000       0.000000 ang =  0  1 type = 1 axis = 1
  8       0.000000       0.000000       1.000000 ang =  0  1 type = 1 axis = 3
irep =    1  sym =AG    1  eigs =   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
irep =    2  sym =B1G   1  eigs =   1  -1  -1   1   1  -1  -1   1
irep =    3  sym =B2G   1  eigs =   1   1  -1  -1   1   1  -1  -1
irep =    4  sym =B3G   1  eigs =   1  -1   1  -1   1  -1   1  -1
irep =    5  sym =AU    1  eigs =   1   1   1   1  -1  -1  -1  -1
irep =    6  sym =B1U   1  eigs =   1  -1  -1   1  -1   1   1  -1
irep =    7  sym =B2U   1  eigs =   1   1  -1  -1  -1  -1   1   1
irep =    8  sym =B3U   1  eigs =   1  -1   1  -1  -1   1  -1   1
 Number of symmetry operations in the abelian subgroup (excluding E) =    7
 The operations are -
     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
  Rep  Component  Sym Num  Num Found  Eigenvalues of abelian sub-group
 AG        1         1        136       1  1  1  1  1  1  1
 B1G       1         2        120      -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1  1
 B2G       1         3        120       1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1
 B3G       1         4        120      -1  1 -1  1 -1  1 -1
 AU        1         5        105       1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1
 B1U       1         6        120      -1 -1  1 -1  1  1 -1
 B2U       1         7        120       1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1
 B3U       1         8        120      -1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1
Time Now =         0.3422  Delta time =         0.0045 End SymGen

+ Command ExpOrb
In GetRMax, RMaxEps =  0.10000000E-05  RMax =    7.6821016117 Angs

GenGrid - Generate Radial Grid

HFacGauss    10.00000
HFacWave     10.00000
GridFac       1
MinExpFac   300.00000
Maximum R in the grid (RMax) =     7.68210 Angs
Factors to determine step sizes in the various regions:
In regions controlled by Gaussians (HFacGauss) =   10.0
In regions controlled by the wave length (HFacWave) =   10.0
Factor used to control the minimum exponent at each center (MinExpFac) =  300.0
Maximum asymptotic kinetic energy (EMAx) =  50.00000 eV
Maximum step size (MaxStep) =   0.01058 Angs
Factor to increase grid by (GridFac) =     1

    1  Center at =     0.00000 Angs  Alpha Max = 0.93413E+05
    2  Center at =     1.56023 Angs  Alpha Max = 0.24300E+05

Generated Grid

  irg  nin  ntot      step Angs     R end Angs
    1    8     8    0.17314E-03     0.00139
    2    8    16    0.18458E-03     0.00286
    3    8    24    0.22753E-03     0.00468
    4    8    32    0.34522E-03     0.00744
    5    8    40    0.54886E-03     0.01183
    6    8    48    0.87261E-03     0.01882
    7    8    56    0.13873E-02     0.02991
    8    8    64    0.22057E-02     0.04756
    9    8    72    0.35067E-02     0.07561
   10    8    80    0.55752E-02     0.12021
   11    8    88    0.88638E-02     0.19112
   12   64   152    0.10584E-01     0.86847
   13   48   200    0.10584E-01     1.37648
   14    8   208    0.83742E-02     1.44348
   15    8   216    0.53174E-02     1.48601
   16    8   224    0.33800E-02     1.51305
   17    8   232    0.21484E-02     1.53024
   18    8   240    0.13656E-02     1.54117
   19    8   248    0.86805E-03     1.54811
   20    8   256    0.55188E-03     1.55253
   21    8   264    0.40163E-03     1.55574
   22    8   272    0.34784E-03     1.55852
   23    8   280    0.21299E-03     1.56023
   24    8   288    0.33947E-03     1.56294
   25    8   296    0.36190E-03     1.56584
   26    8   304    0.44612E-03     1.56941
   27    8   312    0.67686E-03     1.57482
   28    8   320    0.10761E-02     1.58343
   29    8   328    0.17109E-02     1.59712
   30    8   336    0.27201E-02     1.61888
   31    8   344    0.43245E-02     1.65347
   32    8   352    0.68754E-02     1.70848
   33   64   416    0.10584E-01     2.38582
   34   64   480    0.10584E-01     3.06317
   35   64   544    0.10584E-01     3.74052
   36   64   608    0.10584E-01     4.41786
   37   64   672    0.10584E-01     5.09521
   38   64   736    0.10584E-01     5.77256
   39   64   800    0.10584E-01     6.44990
   40   64   864    0.10584E-01     7.12725
   41   48   912    0.10584E-01     7.63526
   42    8   920    0.58550E-02     7.68210
Time Now =         0.3776  Delta time =         0.0354 End GenGrid

AngGCt - generate angular functions

Maximum scattering l (lmax) =   15
Maximum scattering m (mmaxs) =   15
Maximum numerical integration l (lmaxi) =   40
Maximum numerical integration m (mmaxi) =   40
Maximum l to include in the asymptotic region (lmasym) =   14
Parameter used to determine the cutoff points (PCutRd) =  0.10000000E-07 au
Maximum E used to determine grid (in eV) =       50.00000
Print flag (iprnfg) =    0
lmasymtyts =   14
 Actual value of lmasym found =     14
Number of regions of the same l expansion (NAngReg) =   11
Angular regions
    1 L =    2  from (    1)         0.00017  to (    7)         0.00121
    2 L =    5  from (    8)         0.00139  to (   23)         0.00445
    3 L =    6  from (   24)         0.00468  to (   31)         0.00710
    4 L =    7  from (   32)         0.00744  to (   47)         0.01794
    5 L =    8  from (   48)         0.01882  to (   55)         0.02853
    6 L =   10  from (   56)         0.02991  to (   63)         0.04535
    7 L =   11  from (   64)         0.04756  to (   71)         0.07211
    8 L =   13  from (   72)         0.07561  to (   79)         0.11464
    9 L =   14  from (   80)         0.12021  to (  151)         0.85789
   10 L =   15  from (  152)         0.86847  to (  448)         2.72450
   11 L =   14  from (  449)         2.73508  to (  920)         7.68210
There are     2 angular regions for computing spherical harmonics
    1 lval =   14
    2 lval =   15
Maximum number of processors is      114
Last grid points by processor WorkExp =     1.500
Proc id =   -1  Last grid point =       1
Proc id =    0  Last grid point =      96
Proc id =    1  Last grid point =     144
Proc id =    2  Last grid point =     184
Proc id =    3  Last grid point =     224
Proc id =    4  Last grid point =     264
Proc id =    5  Last grid point =     304
Proc id =    6  Last grid point =     344
Proc id =    7  Last grid point =     384
Proc id =    8  Last grid point =     424
Proc id =    9  Last grid point =     472
Proc id =   10  Last grid point =     512
Proc id =   11  Last grid point =     560
Proc id =   12  Last grid point =     608
Proc id =   13  Last grid point =     648
Proc id =   14  Last grid point =     696
Proc id =   15  Last grid point =     744
Proc id =   16  Last grid point =     784
Proc id =   17  Last grid point =     832
Proc id =   18  Last grid point =     880
Proc id =   19  Last grid point =     920
Time Now =         0.4006  Delta time =         0.0230 End AngGCt

RotOrb - Determine rotation of degenerate orbitals

 R of maximum density
     1  Orig    1  Eng =  -92.447865  A1G   1 at max irg =   56  r =   0.02991
     2  Orig    2  Eng =  -26.385593  EG    1 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
     3  Orig    3  Eng =  -26.385593  EG    2 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
     4  Orig    4  Eng =  -26.385568  T1U   1 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
     5  Orig    5  Eng =  -26.385568  T1U   2 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
     6  Orig    6  Eng =  -26.385568  T1U   3 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
     7  Orig    7  Eng =  -26.385523  A1G   1 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
     8  Orig    8  Eng =   -9.388747  A1G   1 at max irg =   88  r =   0.19112
     9  Orig    9  Eng =   -7.077915  T1U   1 at max irg =   88  r =   0.19112
    10  Orig   10  Eng =   -7.077915  T1U   2 at max irg =   88  r =   0.19112
    11  Orig   11  Eng =   -7.077915  T1U   3 at max irg =   88  r =   0.19112
    12  Orig   12  Eng =   -1.843564  A1G   1 at max irg =  200  r =   1.37648
    13  Orig   13  Eng =   -1.710841  T1U   1 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
    14  Orig   14  Eng =   -1.710841  T1U   2 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
    15  Orig   15  Eng =   -1.710841  T1U   3 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
    16  Orig   16  Eng =   -1.655936  EG    1 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
    17  Orig   17  Eng =   -1.655936  EG    2 at max irg =  280  r =   1.56023
    18  Orig   18  Eng =   -1.099954  A1G   1 at max irg =  360  r =   1.79315
    19  Orig   19  Eng =   -0.924335  T1U   1 at max irg =  360  r =   1.79315
    20  Orig   20  Eng =   -0.924335  T1U   2 at max irg =  360  r =   1.79315
    21  Orig   21  Eng =   -0.924335  T1U   3 at max irg =  360  r =   1.79315
    22  Orig   22  Eng =   -0.831327  T2G   1 at max irg =  320  r =   1.58343
    23  Orig   23  Eng =   -0.831327  T2G   2 at max irg =  320  r =   1.58343
    24  Orig   24  Eng =   -0.831327  T2G   3 at max irg =  320  r =   1.58343
    25  Orig   25  Eng =   -0.737660  EG    1 at max irg =  368  r =   1.87781
    26  Orig   26  Eng =   -0.737660  EG    2 at max irg =  368  r =   1.87781
    27  Orig   27  Eng =   -0.724814  T2U   1 at max irg =  320  r =   1.58343
    28  Orig   28  Eng =   -0.724814  T2U   2 at max irg =  320  r =   1.58343
    29  Orig   29  Eng =   -0.724814  T2U   3 at max irg =  320  r =   1.58343
    30  Orig   30  Eng =   -0.712046  T1U   1 at max irg =  336  r =   1.61888
    31  Orig   31  Eng =   -0.712046  T1U   2 at max irg =  336  r =   1.61888
    32  Orig   32  Eng =   -0.712046  T1U   3 at max irg =  336  r =   1.61888
    33  Orig   33  Eng =   -0.677520  T1G   1 at max irg =  320  r =   1.58343
    34  Orig   34  Eng =   -0.677520  T1G   2 at max irg =  320  r =   1.58343
    35  Orig   35  Eng =   -0.677520  T1G   3 at max irg =  320  r =   1.58343

Rotation coefficients for orbital     1  grp =    1 A1G   1
     1  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital     2  grp =    2 EG    1
     1 -0.1769665647    2  0.9842168638

Rotation coefficients for orbital     3  grp =    2 EG    2
     1  0.9842168638    2  0.1769665647

Rotation coefficients for orbital     4  grp =    3 T1U   1
     1 -0.0000000000    2 -0.0000000000    3  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital     5  grp =    3 T1U   2
     1 -1.0000000000    2 -0.0000000000    3 -0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital     6  grp =    3 T1U   3
     1 -0.0000000000    2  1.0000000000    3  0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital     7  grp =    4 A1G   1
     1  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital     8  grp =    5 A1G   1
     1  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital     9  grp =    6 T1U   1
     1 -0.0000000000    2  1.0000000000    3  0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    10  grp =    6 T1U   2
     1  0.0000000000    2 -0.0000000000    3  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    11  grp =    6 T1U   3
     1  1.0000000000    2  0.0000000000    3 -0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    12  grp =    7 A1G   1
     1  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    13  grp =    8 T1U   1
     1 -0.0000000000    2  1.0000000000    3  0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    14  grp =    8 T1U   2
     1 -1.0000000000    2 -0.0000000000    3 -0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    15  grp =    8 T1U   3
     1 -0.0000000000    2 -0.0000000000    3  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    16  grp =    9 EG    1
     1  0.5002934503    2  0.8658559139

Rotation coefficients for orbital    17  grp =    9 EG    2
     1 -0.8658559139    2  0.5002934503

Rotation coefficients for orbital    18  grp =   10 A1G   1
     1  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    19  grp =   11 T1U   1
     1  0.0000000000    2  0.0000000000    3  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    20  grp =   11 T1U   2
     1 -0.0000000000    2  1.0000000000    3 -0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    21  grp =   11 T1U   3
     1  1.0000000000    2  0.0000000000    3 -0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    22  grp =   12 T2G   1
     1 -0.0000000000    2  1.0000000000    3 -0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    23  grp =   12 T2G   2
     1  0.0000000000    2  0.0000000000    3  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    24  grp =   12 T2G   3
     1  1.0000000000    2  0.0000000000    3 -0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    25  grp =   13 EG    1
     1 -0.1633372268    2  0.9865702967

Rotation coefficients for orbital    26  grp =   13 EG    2
     1 -0.9865702967    2 -0.1633372268

Rotation coefficients for orbital    27  grp =   14 T2U   1
     1  0.0000000000    2 -0.0000000000    3  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    28  grp =   14 T2U   2
     1  0.0000000000    2 -1.0000000000    3 -0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    29  grp =   14 T2U   3
     1 -1.0000000000    2 -0.0000000000    3  0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    30  grp =   15 T1U   1
     1 -0.0000000000    2 -0.0000000000    3  1.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    31  grp =   15 T1U   2
     1  1.0000000000    2 -0.0000000000    3  0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    32  grp =   15 T1U   3
     1  0.0000000000    2  1.0000000000    3  0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    33  grp =   16 T1G   1
     1  0.0000000000    2  1.0000000000    3  0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    34  grp =   16 T1G   2
     1 -1.0000000000    2  0.0000000000    3 -0.0000000000

Rotation coefficients for orbital    35  grp =   16 T1G   3
     1  0.0000000000    2  0.0000000000    3 -1.0000000000
Number of orbital groups and degeneracis are        16
  1  2  3  1  1  3  1  3  2  1  3  3  2  3  3  3
Number of orbital groups and number of electrons when fully occupied
  2  4  6  2  2  6  2  6  4  2  6  6  4  6  6  6
Time Now =         0.6803  Delta time =         0.2797 End RotOrb

ExpOrb - Single Center Expansion Program

 First orbital group to expand (mofr) =    1
 Last orbital group to expand (moto) =   16
Orbital     1 of  A1G   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.99999999
Orbital     2 of  EG    1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.55843502
Orbital     3 of  T1U   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.58773011
Orbital     4 of  A1G   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.53527419
Orbital     5 of  A1G   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.99999990
Orbital     6 of  T1U   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.99999984
Orbital     7 of  A1G   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.96812200
Orbital     8 of  T1U   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.96361788
Orbital     9 of  EG    1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.95603090
Orbital    10 of  A1G   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.98514732
Orbital    11 of  T1U   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.99135485
Orbital    12 of  T2G   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.98380448
Orbital    13 of  EG    1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.99404941
Orbital    14 of  T2U   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.98304624
Orbital    15 of  T1U   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.98575827
Orbital    16 of  T1G   1 symmetry normalization integral =  0.97340206
Time Now =         1.3208  Delta time =         0.6405 End ExpOrb

+ Command GetPot

Den - Electron density construction program

Total density =     70.00000000
Time Now =         1.3336  Delta time =         0.0128 End Den

StPot - Compute the static potential from the density

 vasymp =  0.70000000E+02 facnorm =  0.10000000E+01
Time Now =         1.3516  Delta time =         0.0180 Electronic part
Time Now =         1.3532  Delta time =         0.0016 End StPot

vcppol - VCP polarization potential program

Time Now =         1.3621  Delta time =         0.0090 End VcpPol

AsyPol - Program to match polarization potential to asymptotic form

Switching distance (SwitchD) =     0.15000
Number of terms in the asymptotic polarization potential (nterm) =    7
Term =    1  At center =    1
Explicit coordinates =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Type =    1
Polarizability =  0.16198000E+02 au
Term =    2  At center =    2
Explicit coordinates =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.15602260E+01
Type =    1
Polarizability =  0.46560000E+01 au
Term =    3  At center =    3
Explicit coordinates =  0.00000000E+00  0.15602260E+01  0.00000000E+00
Type =    1
Polarizability =  0.46560000E+01 au
Term =    4  At center =    4
Explicit coordinates = -0.15602260E+01  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Type =    1
Polarizability =  0.46560000E+01 au
Term =    5  At center =    5
Explicit coordinates =  0.15602260E+01  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
Type =    1
Polarizability =  0.46560000E+01 au
Term =    6  At center =    6
Explicit coordinates =  0.00000000E+00 -0.15602260E+01  0.00000000E+00
Type =    1
Polarizability =  0.46560000E+01 au
Term =    7  At center =    7
Explicit coordinates =  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00 -0.15602260E+01
Type =    1
Polarizability =  0.46560000E+01 au
Last center is at (RCenterX) =   1.56023 Angs
 Radial matching parameter (icrtyp) =    3
 Matching line type (ilntyp) =    0
 Using closest approach for matching r
 Matching point is at r =   3.2642829693 Angs
Matching uses closest approach (iMatchType = 2)
First nonzero weight at(RFirstWt)  R =        2.80917 Angs
Last point of the switching region (RLastWt) R=        3.74052 Angs
Total asymptotic potential is   0.44134000E+02 a.u.
Time Now =         1.3806  Delta time =         0.0184 End AsyPol
+ Data Record ScatContSym - 'A1G'

+ Command Scat

Fege - FEGE exchange potential construction program

 Off set energy for computing fege eta (ecor) =  0.13290000E+02  eV
 Do E =  0.10000000E+01 eV (  0.36749326E-01 AU)
Time Now =         1.3888  Delta time =         0.0082 End Fege

ScatStab - Iterative exchange scattering program (rev. 04/25/2005)

Unit for output of final k matrices (iukmat) =    60
Symmetry type of scattering solution (symtps) = A1G   1
Form of the Green's operator used (iGrnType) =     0
Flag for dipole operator (DipoleFlag) =      F
Maximum l for computed scattering solutions (LMaxK) =   10
Maximum number of iterations (itmax) =   15
Convergence criterion on change in rmsq k matrix (cutkdf) =  0.10000000E-05
Maximum l to include in potential (lpotct) =   -1
No exchange flag =   F
Runge Kutta factor  used (RungeKuttaFac) =    4
Error estimate for integrals used in convergence test (EpsIntError) =  0.10000000E-07
General print flag (iprnfg) =    0
Number of integration regions (NIntRegionR) =   40
Factor for number of points in asymptotic region (HFacWaveAsym) =  10.0
Asymptotic cutoff (EpsAsym) =  0.10000000E-06
Asymptotic cutoff type (iAsymCond) =    1
Use fixed asymptotic polarization =  0.44134000E+02  au
Number of integration regions used =    67
Number of partial waves (np) =     8
Number of asymptotic solutions on the right (NAsymR) =     5
Number of asymptotic solutions on the left (NAsymL) =     5
First solution on left to compute is (NAsymLF) =     1
Last solution on left to compute is (NAsymLL) =     5
Maximum in the asymptotic region (lpasym) =   14
Number of partial waves in the asymptotic region (npasym) =    8
Number of orthogonality constraints (NOrthUse) =    5
Number of different asymptotic potentials =    3
Maximum number of asymptotic partial waves =  120
Found polarization potential
Maximum l used in usual function (lmax) =   15
Maximum m used in usual function (LMax) =   15
Maxamum l used in expanding static potential (lpotct) =   30
Maximum l used in exapnding the exchange potential (lmaxab) =   30
Higest l included in the expansion of the wave function (lnp) =   14
Higest l included in the K matrix (lna) =   10
Highest l used at large r (lpasym) =   14
Higest l used in the asymptotic potential (lpzb) =   28
Maximum L used in the homogeneous solution (LMaxHomo) =   14
Number of partial waves in the homogeneous solution (npHomo) =    8
Time Now =         1.3995  Delta time =         0.0107 Energy independent setup

Compute solution for E =    1.0000000000 eV
Found fege potential
Charge on the molecule (zz) =  0.0
Assumed asymptotic polarization is  0.44134000E+02 au
 stpote at the end of the grid
For potential     1
 i =  1  lval =   0  1/r^n n =   4  StPot(RMax) = -0.35527137E-14 Asymp Coef   =  -0.33669062E-09 (eV Angs^(n))
 i =  2  lval =   2  1/r^n n =   3  StPot(RMax) =  0.27755576E-16 Asymp Moment =  -0.94612690E-14 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  3  lval =   2  1/r^n n =   3  StPot(RMax) =  0.62450045E-16 Asymp Moment =  -0.21287855E-13 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  4  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.10353365E-03 Asymp Moment =   0.37489814E+01 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  5  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.32526065E-18 Asymp Moment =   0.11777776E-13 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  6  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.12250267E-03 Asymp Moment =   0.44358547E+01 (e Angs^(n-1))
For potential     2
 i =  1  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284644E-15
 i =  2  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284680E-15
 i =  3  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284749E-15
 i =  4  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284838E-15
For potential     3
 i =  1  lvals =   6   8  stpote =  0.38328982E-04  second term =  0.51185843E-04
 i =  2  lvals =   6   6  stpote = -0.13055821E-18  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  3  lvals =   6   6  stpote = -0.61372177E-19  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  4  lvals =   8  10  stpote = -0.93530014E-05  second term = -0.84828196E-05
 i =  5  lvals =   8   8  stpote = -0.22383189E-19  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  6  lvals =   8  10  stpote = -0.11066620E-04  second term = -0.10037007E-04
Number of asymptotic regions =      15
Final point in integration =   0.14769365E+03 Angstroms
Time Now =         2.5561  Delta time =         1.1567 End SolveHomo
     REAL PART -  Final K matrix
     ROW  1
 -0.96208371E+00-0.61571360E-03 0.18428859E-05-0.54829003E-07 0.74996846E-10
     ROW  2
 -0.61571360E-03 0.15384345E-01-0.20441446E-03 0.14689246E-04-0.20857967E-07
     ROW  3
  0.18425022E-05-0.20441447E-03 0.46020235E-02-0.27046776E-04 0.33050301E-05
     ROW  4
 -0.54826818E-07 0.14689246E-04-0.27046776E-04 0.21348733E-02-0.14857684E-04
     ROW  5
  0.74993075E-10-0.20857967E-07 0.33050301E-05-0.14857684E-04 0.11005187E-02
 -0.7660763E+00  0.1100302E-02  0.2134774E-02  0.4598411E-02  0.1538741E-01
 eigenphase sum-0.742855E+00  scattering length=   3.38738
 eps+pi 0.239874E+01  eps+2*pi 0.554033E+01

MaxIter =   6 c.s. =     23.02658820 rmsk=     0.00000000  Abs eps    0.10000000E-05  Rel eps    0.21011359E-09
Time Now =         9.9616  Delta time =         7.4055 End ScatStab
+ Data Record ScatContSym - 'T1G'

+ Command Scat

Fege - FEGE exchange potential construction program

 Off set energy for computing fege eta (ecor) =  0.13290000E+02  eV
 Do E =  0.10000000E+01 eV (  0.36749326E-01 AU)
Time Now =         9.9716  Delta time =         0.0099 End Fege

ScatStab - Iterative exchange scattering program (rev. 04/25/2005)

Unit for output of final k matrices (iukmat) =    60
Symmetry type of scattering solution (symtps) = T1G   1
Form of the Green's operator used (iGrnType) =     0
Flag for dipole operator (DipoleFlag) =      F
Maximum l for computed scattering solutions (LMaxK) =   10
Maximum number of iterations (itmax) =   15
Convergence criterion on change in rmsq k matrix (cutkdf) =  0.10000000E-05
Maximum l to include in potential (lpotct) =   -1
No exchange flag =   F
Runge Kutta factor  used (RungeKuttaFac) =    4
Error estimate for integrals used in convergence test (EpsIntError) =  0.10000000E-07
General print flag (iprnfg) =    0
Number of integration regions (NIntRegionR) =   40
Factor for number of points in asymptotic region (HFacWaveAsym) =  10.0
Asymptotic cutoff (EpsAsym) =  0.10000000E-06
Asymptotic cutoff type (iAsymCond) =    1
Use fixed asymptotic polarization =  0.44134000E+02  au
Number of integration regions used =    67
Number of partial waves (np) =    12
Number of asymptotic solutions on the right (NAsymR) =     6
Number of asymptotic solutions on the left (NAsymL) =     6
First solution on left to compute is (NAsymLF) =     1
Last solution on left to compute is (NAsymLL) =     6
Maximum in the asymptotic region (lpasym) =   14
Number of partial waves in the asymptotic region (npasym) =   12
Number of orthogonality constraints (NOrthUse) =    1
Number of different asymptotic potentials =    3
Maximum number of asymptotic partial waves =  120
Found polarization potential
Maximum l used in usual function (lmax) =   15
Maximum m used in usual function (LMax) =   15
Maxamum l used in expanding static potential (lpotct) =   30
Maximum l used in exapnding the exchange potential (lmaxab) =   30
Higest l included in the expansion of the wave function (lnp) =   14
Higest l included in the K matrix (lna) =   10
Highest l used at large r (lpasym) =   14
Higest l used in the asymptotic potential (lpzb) =   28
Maximum L used in the homogeneous solution (LMaxHomo) =   14
Number of partial waves in the homogeneous solution (npHomo) =   12
Time Now =         9.9797  Delta time =         0.0081 Energy independent setup

Compute solution for E =    1.0000000000 eV
Found fege potential
Charge on the molecule (zz) =  0.0
Assumed asymptotic polarization is  0.44134000E+02 au
 stpote at the end of the grid
For potential     1
 i =  1  lval =   0  1/r^n n =   4  StPot(RMax) = -0.35527137E-14 Asymp Coef   =  -0.33669062E-09 (eV Angs^(n))
 i =  2  lval =   2  1/r^n n =   3  StPot(RMax) =  0.27755576E-16 Asymp Moment =  -0.94612690E-14 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  3  lval =   2  1/r^n n =   3  StPot(RMax) =  0.62450045E-16 Asymp Moment =  -0.21287855E-13 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  4  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.10353365E-03 Asymp Moment =   0.37489814E+01 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  5  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.32526065E-18 Asymp Moment =   0.11777776E-13 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  6  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.12250267E-03 Asymp Moment =   0.44358547E+01 (e Angs^(n-1))
For potential     2
 i =  1  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284644E-15
 i =  2  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284680E-15
 i =  3  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284749E-15
 i =  4  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284838E-15
For potential     3
 i =  1  lvals =   6   8  stpote =  0.38328982E-04  second term =  0.51185843E-04
 i =  2  lvals =   6   6  stpote = -0.13055821E-18  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  3  lvals =   6   6  stpote = -0.61372177E-19  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  4  lvals =   8  10  stpote = -0.93530014E-05  second term = -0.84828196E-05
 i =  5  lvals =   8   8  stpote = -0.22383189E-19  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  6  lvals =   8  10  stpote = -0.11066620E-04  second term = -0.10037007E-04
Number of asymptotic regions =      15
Final point in integration =   0.14769365E+03 Angstroms
Time Now =        11.2307  Delta time =         1.2510 End SolveHomo
     REAL PART -  Final K matrix
     ROW  1
  0.14940525E-01-0.14938568E-03 0.13200490E-04 0.40525784E-05-0.20600411E-07
     ROW  2
 -0.14938568E-03 0.46309537E-02-0.16827555E-04-0.22328101E-04 0.24667515E-05
     ROW  3
  0.13200490E-04-0.16827555E-04 0.21318493E-02 0.46040199E-05-0.12124057E-04
     ROW  4
  0.40525784E-05-0.22328101E-04 0.46040199E-05 0.20771168E-02-0.86742697E-05
     ROW  5
 -0.20600411E-07 0.24667515E-05-0.12124057E-04-0.86742697E-05 0.10971893E-02
     ROW  6
  0.70881465E-09 0.24530920E-05-0.31430053E-06-0.24621335E-05 0.39632200E-05
  0.1095214E-02  0.1105793E-02  0.2076624E-02  0.2132238E-02  0.4629066E-02
 eigenphase sum 0.259805E-01  scattering length=  -0.09585
 eps+pi 0.316757E+01  eps+2*pi 0.630917E+01

MaxIter =   4 c.s. =      0.01225398 rmsk=     0.00000000  Abs eps    0.10000000E-05  Rel eps    0.15928008E-13
Time Now =        17.1258  Delta time =         5.8951 End ScatStab
+ Data Record GrnType - 1
+ Data Record ScatContSym - 'A1G'

+ Command Scat

Fege - FEGE exchange potential construction program

 Off set energy for computing fege eta (ecor) =  0.13290000E+02  eV
 Do E =  0.10000000E+01 eV (  0.36749326E-01 AU)
Time Now =        17.1356  Delta time =         0.0099 End Fege

ScatStab - Iterative exchange scattering program (rev. 04/25/2005)

Unit for output of final k matrices (iukmat) =    60
Symmetry type of scattering solution (symtps) = A1G   1
Form of the Green's operator used (iGrnType) =     1
Flag for dipole operator (DipoleFlag) =      F
Maximum l for computed scattering solutions (LMaxK) =   10
Maximum number of iterations (itmax) =   15
Convergence criterion on change in rmsq k matrix (cutkdf) =  0.10000000E-05
Maximum l to include in potential (lpotct) =   -1
No exchange flag =   F
Runge Kutta factor  used (RungeKuttaFac) =    4
Error estimate for integrals used in convergence test (EpsIntError) =  0.10000000E-07
General print flag (iprnfg) =    0
Number of integration regions (NIntRegionR) =   40
Factor for number of points in asymptotic region (HFacWaveAsym) =  10.0
Asymptotic cutoff (EpsAsym) =  0.10000000E-06
Asymptotic cutoff type (iAsymCond) =    1
Use fixed asymptotic polarization =  0.44134000E+02  au
Number of integration regions used =    67
Number of partial waves (np) =     8
Number of asymptotic solutions on the right (NAsymR) =     5
Number of asymptotic solutions on the left (NAsymL) =     5
First solution on left to compute is (NAsymLF) =     1
Last solution on left to compute is (NAsymLL) =     5
Maximum in the asymptotic region (lpasym) =   14
Number of partial waves in the asymptotic region (npasym) =    8
Number of orthogonality constraints (NOrthUse) =    5
Number of different asymptotic potentials =    3
Maximum number of asymptotic partial waves =  120
Found polarization potential
Maximum l used in usual function (lmax) =   15
Maximum m used in usual function (LMax) =   15
Maxamum l used in expanding static potential (lpotct) =   30
Maximum l used in exapnding the exchange potential (lmaxab) =   30
Higest l included in the expansion of the wave function (lnp) =   14
Higest l included in the K matrix (lna) =   10
Highest l used at large r (lpasym) =   14
Higest l used in the asymptotic potential (lpzb) =   28
Maximum L used in the homogeneous solution (LMaxHomo) =   14
Number of partial waves in the homogeneous solution (npHomo) =    8
Time Now =        17.1437  Delta time =         0.0080 Energy independent setup

Compute solution for E =    1.0000000000 eV
Found fege potential
Charge on the molecule (zz) =  0.0
Assumed asymptotic polarization is  0.44134000E+02 au
 stpote at the end of the grid
For potential     1
 i =  1  lval =   0  1/r^n n =   4  StPot(RMax) = -0.35527137E-14 Asymp Coef   =  -0.33669062E-09 (eV Angs^(n))
 i =  2  lval =   2  1/r^n n =   3  StPot(RMax) =  0.27755576E-16 Asymp Moment =  -0.94612690E-14 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  3  lval =   2  1/r^n n =   3  StPot(RMax) =  0.62450045E-16 Asymp Moment =  -0.21287855E-13 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  4  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.10353365E-03 Asymp Moment =   0.37489814E+01 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  5  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.32526065E-18 Asymp Moment =   0.11777776E-13 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  6  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.12250267E-03 Asymp Moment =   0.44358547E+01 (e Angs^(n-1))
For potential     2
 i =  1  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284644E-15
 i =  2  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284680E-15
 i =  3  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284749E-15
 i =  4  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284838E-15
For potential     3
 i =  1  lvals =   6   8  stpote =  0.38328982E-04  second term =  0.51185843E-04
 i =  2  lvals =   6   6  stpote = -0.13055821E-18  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  3  lvals =   6   6  stpote = -0.61372177E-19  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  4  lvals =   8  10  stpote = -0.93530014E-05  second term = -0.84828196E-05
 i =  5  lvals =   8   8  stpote = -0.22383189E-19  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  6  lvals =   8  10  stpote = -0.11066620E-04  second term = -0.10037007E-04
Number of asymptotic regions =      15
Final point in integration =   0.14769365E+03 Angstroms
Time Now =        18.3123  Delta time =         1.1686 End SolveHomo
      Final T matrix
     ROW  1
  (-0.49962651E+00, 0.48068272E+00) (-0.32440674E-03, 0.30263584E-03)
  ( 0.10228167E-05,-0.84973327E-06) (-0.32990224E-07, 0.22530638E-07)
  ( 0.48432144E-10,-0.26780048E-10)
     ROW  2
  (-0.32440674E-03, 0.30263584E-03) ( 0.15380886E-01, 0.23686659E-03)
  (-0.20434779E-03,-0.40854840E-05) ( 0.14685112E-04, 0.26282952E-06)
     ROW  3
  ( 0.10225296E-05,-0.84956138E-06) (-0.20434780E-03,-0.40854848E-05)
  ( 0.46019250E-02, 0.21220683E-04) (-0.27045746E-04,-0.18525735E-06)
  ( 0.33049360E-05, 0.19252784E-07)
     ROW  4
  (-0.32987178E-07, 0.22530804E-07) ( 0.14685112E-04, 0.26282955E-06)
  (-0.27045746E-04,-0.18525735E-06) ( 0.21348636E-02, 0.45588349E-05)
     ROW  5
  ( 0.48426413E-10,-0.26780879E-10) (-0.20834279E-07,-0.12373296E-08)
  ( 0.33049360E-05, 0.19252784E-07) (-0.14857563E-04,-0.48167234E-07)
  ( 0.11005174E-02, 0.12114353E-05)
 -0.7660763E+00  0.1100302E-02  0.2134774E-02  0.4598411E-02  0.1538741E-01
 eigenphase sum-0.742855E+00  scattering length=   3.38738
 eps+pi 0.239874E+01  eps+2*pi 0.554033E+01

MaxIter =   5 c.s. =     23.02658820 rmsk=     0.00000000  Abs eps    0.10000000E-05  Rel eps    0.10940657E-09
Time Now =        31.8905  Delta time =        13.5782 End ScatStab
+ Data Record ScatContSym - 'T1G'

+ Command Scat

Fege - FEGE exchange potential construction program

 Off set energy for computing fege eta (ecor) =  0.13290000E+02  eV
 Do E =  0.10000000E+01 eV (  0.36749326E-01 AU)
Time Now =        31.9003  Delta time =         0.0098 End Fege

ScatStab - Iterative exchange scattering program (rev. 04/25/2005)

Unit for output of final k matrices (iukmat) =    60
Symmetry type of scattering solution (symtps) = T1G   1
Form of the Green's operator used (iGrnType) =     1
Flag for dipole operator (DipoleFlag) =      F
Maximum l for computed scattering solutions (LMaxK) =   10
Maximum number of iterations (itmax) =   15
Convergence criterion on change in rmsq k matrix (cutkdf) =  0.10000000E-05
Maximum l to include in potential (lpotct) =   -1
No exchange flag =   F
Runge Kutta factor  used (RungeKuttaFac) =    4
Error estimate for integrals used in convergence test (EpsIntError) =  0.10000000E-07
General print flag (iprnfg) =    0
Number of integration regions (NIntRegionR) =   40
Factor for number of points in asymptotic region (HFacWaveAsym) =  10.0
Asymptotic cutoff (EpsAsym) =  0.10000000E-06
Asymptotic cutoff type (iAsymCond) =    1
Use fixed asymptotic polarization =  0.44134000E+02  au
Number of integration regions used =    67
Number of partial waves (np) =    12
Number of asymptotic solutions on the right (NAsymR) =     6
Number of asymptotic solutions on the left (NAsymL) =     6
First solution on left to compute is (NAsymLF) =     1
Last solution on left to compute is (NAsymLL) =     6
Maximum in the asymptotic region (lpasym) =   14
Number of partial waves in the asymptotic region (npasym) =   12
Number of orthogonality constraints (NOrthUse) =    1
Number of different asymptotic potentials =    3
Maximum number of asymptotic partial waves =  120
Found polarization potential
Maximum l used in usual function (lmax) =   15
Maximum m used in usual function (LMax) =   15
Maxamum l used in expanding static potential (lpotct) =   30
Maximum l used in exapnding the exchange potential (lmaxab) =   30
Higest l included in the expansion of the wave function (lnp) =   14
Higest l included in the K matrix (lna) =   10
Highest l used at large r (lpasym) =   14
Higest l used in the asymptotic potential (lpzb) =   28
Maximum L used in the homogeneous solution (LMaxHomo) =   14
Number of partial waves in the homogeneous solution (npHomo) =   12
Time Now =        31.9083  Delta time =         0.0081 Energy independent setup

Compute solution for E =    1.0000000000 eV
Found fege potential
Charge on the molecule (zz) =  0.0
Assumed asymptotic polarization is  0.44134000E+02 au
 stpote at the end of the grid
For potential     1
 i =  1  lval =   0  1/r^n n =   4  StPot(RMax) = -0.35527137E-14 Asymp Coef   =  -0.33669062E-09 (eV Angs^(n))
 i =  2  lval =   2  1/r^n n =   3  StPot(RMax) =  0.27755576E-16 Asymp Moment =  -0.94612690E-14 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  3  lval =   2  1/r^n n =   3  StPot(RMax) =  0.62450045E-16 Asymp Moment =  -0.21287855E-13 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  4  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.10353365E-03 Asymp Moment =   0.37489814E+01 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  5  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.32526065E-18 Asymp Moment =   0.11777776E-13 (e Angs^(n-1))
 i =  6  lval =   4  1/r^n n =   5  StPot(RMax) = -0.12250267E-03 Asymp Moment =   0.44358547E+01 (e Angs^(n-1))
For potential     2
 i =  1  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284644E-15
 i =  2  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284680E-15
 i =  3  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284749E-15
 i =  4  exps = -0.58068273E+02 -0.20000000E+01  stpote = -0.27284838E-15
For potential     3
 i =  1  lvals =   6   8  stpote =  0.38328982E-04  second term =  0.51185843E-04
 i =  2  lvals =   6   6  stpote = -0.13055821E-18  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  3  lvals =   6   6  stpote = -0.61372177E-19  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  4  lvals =   8  10  stpote = -0.93530014E-05  second term = -0.84828196E-05
 i =  5  lvals =   8   8  stpote = -0.22383189E-19  second term =  0.00000000E+00
 i =  6  lvals =   8  10  stpote = -0.11066620E-04  second term = -0.10037007E-04
Number of asymptotic regions =      15
Final point in integration =   0.14769365E+03 Angstroms
Time Now =        33.1662  Delta time =         1.2579 End SolveHomo
      Final T matrix
     ROW  1
  ( 0.14937190E-01, 0.22319197E-03) (-0.14933880E-03,-0.29232959E-05)
  ( 0.13197008E-04, 0.22784417E-06) ( 0.40514573E-05, 0.72344873E-07)
  (-0.20584230E-07,-0.89382091E-09) ( 0.71648845E-09,-0.36916777E-09)
     ROW  2
  (-0.14933880E-03,-0.29232959E-05) ( 0.46308538E-02, 0.21468372E-04)
  (-0.16826907E-04,-0.11590320E-06) (-0.22327296E-04,-0.15048469E-06)
  ( 0.24666797E-05, 0.14540092E-07) ( 0.24530232E-05, 0.14138113E-07)
     ROW  3
  ( 0.13197008E-04, 0.22784417E-06) (-0.16826907E-04,-0.11590320E-06)
  ( 0.21318396E-02, 0.45453898E-05) ( 0.46039538E-05, 0.19913305E-07)
  (-0.12123958E-04,-0.39237098E-07) (-0.31429738E-06,-0.11187054E-08)
     ROW  4
  ( 0.40514573E-05, 0.72344873E-07) (-0.22327296E-04,-0.15048469E-06)
  ( 0.46039538E-05, 0.19913305E-07) ( 0.20771078E-02, 0.43150151E-05)
  (-0.86742013E-05,-0.27660504E-07) (-0.24621136E-05,-0.79253614E-08)
     ROW  5
  (-0.20584230E-07,-0.89382091E-09) ( 0.24666797E-05, 0.14540092E-07)
  (-0.12123958E-04,-0.39237098E-07) (-0.86742013E-05,-0.27660504E-07)
  ( 0.10971880E-02, 0.12041101E-05) ( 0.39632054E-05, 0.87807675E-08)
     ROW  6
  ( 0.71648845E-09,-0.36916777E-09) ( 0.24530232E-05, 0.14138113E-07)
  (-0.31429738E-06,-0.11187054E-08) (-0.24621136E-05,-0.79253614E-08)
  ( 0.39632054E-05, 0.87807675E-08) ( 0.11040446E-02, 0.12189620E-05)
  0.1095214E-02  0.1105793E-02  0.2076624E-02  0.2132238E-02  0.4629066E-02
 eigenphase sum 0.259805E-01  scattering length=  -0.09585
 eps+pi 0.316757E+01  eps+2*pi 0.630917E+01

MaxIter =   4 c.s. =      0.01225398 rmsk=     0.00000000  Abs eps    0.10000000E-05  Rel eps    0.15924453E-13
Time Now =        44.6878  Delta time =        11.5216 End ScatStab
Time Now =        44.6881  Delta time =         0.0002 Finalize