# input file for test11
# electron scattering from N2 molden SCF, scattering from N2+ ground state
  LMax   22     # maximum l to be used for wave functions
  EMax  50.0    # EMax, maximum asymptotic energy in eV
  FegeEng 13.0   # Energy correction (in eV) used in the fege potential

  OrbOcc     2 2 2 2 1 4  # occupation of the orbital groups of target
  TargSym 'SG'      # Symmetry of the target state
  TargSpinDeg 2     # Target spin degeneracy

  SpinDeg 1         # Spin degeneracy of the total scattering state (=1 singlet)
  ScatSym     'SU'  # Scattering symmetry of total final state
  ScatContSym 'SU'  # Scattering symmetry of the continuum orbital

  LMaxK    10     # Maximum l in the K matirx
  ScatEng  10.0   # list of scattering energies

Convert '$pt/test11.molden2012' 'molden'
GrnType 1