# input file for test06
# electron scattering from N2 molden SCF, polarization potential, low energy
  LMax   15     # maximum l to be used for wave functions
  EMax  50.0    # EMax, maximum asymptotic energy in eV
  EngForm      # Energy formulas
   0 0         # charge, formula type
  VCorr 'PZ'
 0.15  # SwitchD, distance where switching function is down to 0.1
 1     # nterm, number of terms needed to define asymptotic potential
 0     # center for polarization term 1 is for C atom
 0.0 0.0 0.0   # use molecular center for polarization term
 2     # ittyp type of polarization term, = 1 for spherically symmetric
       # = 2 for reading in the full tensor
 8.664 8.664 17.904 0.0 0.0 0.0 # axx, ayy, azz, axy, axz, ayz
 3     # icrtyp, flag to determine where r match is, 3 for second crossing
       # or at nearest approach
 0     # ilntyp, flag to determine what matching line is used, 0 - use
       # l = 0 radial function as matching function

  FegeEng 13.0   # Energy correction (in eV) used in the fege potential
  ScatContSym 'SG'  # Scattering symmetry
  LMaxK    8     # Maximum l in the K matirx

Convert '$pt/test06.molden2012' 'molden'
Scat 0.001 0.01 0.02