Command ResWvFun

Comand format



ResWvFun Branch ER EI


ResWvFun NResonance

This command computes the wave function for scattering from a local potential in the adiabatic form. The form of the command without any parameters computes the wave functions at all of the selected energies from an earlier run of the command ResSearch. The form of the command with one integer parameter computes the wave functions at the NResonanceth of the selected energies from an earlier run of the command ResSearch. The form with three parameters computes the wave function at the specified complex energy, where Branch is an integer that indicates the asymptotic boundary conditions. Use Branch = 0 for bound states and Branch = 1 for virtual and resonant scattering states, and where ER and EI are real numbers that are the real and imaginary parts of the energy in eV at which the wave function is desired. The computed wave function can be plotted using three methods. If the command FileName has been used to define the AWaveFun file, then the adibatic radial functions are written there. If the command FileName has been used to define the SWaveFun file, then the spherical radial functions are written there. the comand ViewOrb can also be used to create 2D and 3D plots of the last resonant state specified. This command uses the adiabatic potential computed with the GetDPot command.

Examples of use